Laney IRT-STUDIO User Manual

Page 19

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USB Interface options:



MixPad Audio Mixer


USB2.0 Bidirectional to PC/Mac/iPad etc.

Record output of amplifier with or without a speaker load connected

Simultaneously record dry guitar signal for later processing or Re-Amping.

Re-Amp guitar track changing the settings as required

Re-Amp guitar track with external stomp boxes as required

Add tube amplifier and/or power amplifier warmth to digital guitar tracks with or without speaker load.

Record out via USB

To run into iPad or iPad mini connect via a Camera USB adaptor, PC/MAC connects via standard A-B USB cable, for use with
the likes of Garage Band , Audacity ,

, Pro Tools and similar. It should be noted that the audio output

of an iPad or iPad mini is disengaged and returned via the USB. This can be picked up via a rear panel monitor switch on the
amplifier headphones in stereo, or if required, routed into a PA system/powered cabinets.

D.I. remains directly after the amplifier cabinet emulation but has a switch to enable a non-emulated output for post digital
cabinet emulation etc. A level control feeds headphones/line out which are permanently emulated.

Re-Amp Facility

During recording the amplifier processed signal is sent to the right hand channel. the left hand channel carries the guitar signal
totally unprocessed. On an iPad using Garage Band if the track is recorded in stereo then copied with one track panned left
and the other track panned right, then both raw and processed signals are available independently.

This allows for the re-amplifying of a sound that may have been over processed initially. To re-amp via Garage Band on the
iPad, solo the original channel and record a new one with the link in place from the rear re-amp socket and the guitar input.
The newly processed signal will now appear on the right channel with the guitar direct signal again on the left. Other effects
may be added into the link cable but the guitar original sound will not be recorded. It will instead record to the left channel the
sound directly after the effects with no amplifier and the fully processed signal after the amplifier and effects on the right.


(The processed signal can be emulated or non-emulated dependant on the cabinet emulation switch selection).