Ericsson Distribution Receiver RX8300 User Manual

Page 5

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Key benefits of the system include:
› Embedded Simulcrypt CA
› Software download to receivers
› Over-air control of receiver population

RX8300 Receiver Advantages

Ericsson RX8300 Distribution Receivers provide signifi-
cant system architecture benefits to the user. Through a
combination of sophisticated functionality the RX8300
receivers offer a combination of low-cost control and
management solutions in conjunction with technol-
ogy to efficiently manage bandwidth on core network

Director by Ericsson

Delivering professional broadcast video content over
satellite, cable and telco networks requires the highest
security to protect against theft and unauthorized

Director by Ericsson offers an advanced software-
based system for Simulcrypt Conditional Access (CA)
that controls and authorizes individual and banks of
receivers across sites under maximum security. In the
contribution and distribution markets, where moving
content to cable or terrestrial headends involves
numerous receivers, Director allows targeting of
specific receivers for authorization to view encrypted

Director updates both MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 AVC
standard definition (SD) and high definition (HD)
receivers using over-the-air downloads of the latest
software code, without requiring site visits. This highly
flexible system enables fully customized control of the
entire receiver population allowing rapid deployment
of new CA entitlements or new revenue generating
services. Director manages and controls all Ericsson’s
market leading receivers designed for high-quality
contribution and distribution services. Built for mission-
critical, real-time SD and HD content delivery for point-
to-point and point-to-multipoint connections, Director’s
GUI enables a single system view of the entire receiver
population, allowing operators to make changes on the
fly to protect and secure their video content.

Content Protection

Software Download

Over-air Control

of Receviers