Searching for an asset by name, Searching for an exact phrase, Searching with wildcards – Grass Valley GV Browse v.2.0 User Manual
Page 14: About using filters with gv browse

Searching for an asset by name
Do not enter more than one word in the Asset Name text field unless you want to find
both words exactly as typed with spaces.
NOTE: The Asset Name field does not recognize quotation marks.
To search for an asset by name, enter text or numbers in the Asset Name text field
and click the
Results are returned from assets that contain the search term in the name of the asset,
even if it is a fragment of the name.
Searching for an exact phrase
How you search for an exact phrase depends on whether you’re entering the search
term in the Asset Name or the Asset Metadata text field.
NOTE: The Asset Name field does not recognize quotation marks.
If you search within the Asset Metadata text field, enter the phrase in quotation
If you search within the Asset Name text field, enter the exact phrase.
Searching with wildcards
Wildcard searches can be performed in the Asset Metadata field.You can only use an
asterisk at the end of a term, not in the beginning or middle.
If you want to search using a beginning fragment of a term, use the wildcard asterisk
symbol (*) in the Asset Metadata text field.
Using an asterisk after a term returns any asset that contains the term, followed by a
space or by more text, in any of the text fields.
NOTE: To search using a fragment that is found in the middle or the end of a word in the
asset metadata, add a filter under Advanced Settings instead using the Asset Text or Asset
Metadata text field.
About using filters with GV Browse
Using a filter, you can search assets by name, description, or other specific criteria.
You can use a filter if you are searching for a fragment of metadata.
GV Browse User Manual
22 October 2010