Manual explanation, Danger – Grass Valley EDIUS Pro v.7.4 Installation User Manual
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Manual Explanation
• If there are any variations between the explanation in this manual
and the actual application method, priority is given to the actual
application method.
• The images used in this manual are prototypes and they may be
different from the screens of the actual product.
• This manual is written for users who have a basic knowledge of
how to use a computer. If there are no special instructions,
perform the same operation as a normal computer operation.
• In this manual, Microsoft
7 operating system is
referred to as Windows 7 (collective term for Ultimate,
Professional, Home Premium, and Home Basic).
Health Precautions
In rare cases, flashing lights or stimulation from the bright light of a
computer display or TV monitor may trigger temporary epileptic
seizures or loss of consciousness. It is believed that even
individuals whom have never experienced such symptoms may be
susceptible. If you or close relatives have experienced any of these
symptoms, consult a doctor before using this product.
If you edit 3D video more than an hour continuously, take a rest of
10 to 15 minutes per hour. If you feel tired or uncomfortable, stop
using the product.
Do not use captured image/sound data created by other ones
without authorization of the right holder regardless of whether it is
moving or still image, except for personal fun. Also, duplication of
such data is sometimes limited even for personal hobby. Please
notice that we are exempted from responsibility for the use of
captured data.