EverFocus EKB200 User Manual
Page 12

Start with windows:
JoyMapper will automatically starts with windows start.
Run minimized:
JoyMapper window will be minimized if you check this box.
Check input (mSec):
Delay time between the commands coming from the Joystick are read into the
application. 100ms means 10 times per second the USB port is read by the AP
and the read commands are processed. Default value is 100 mSec. It is
selectable from 40~1000 mSec.
Mouse sensitivity:
Select mouse sensitivity level. The higher the number, the more sensitive the
joystick simulation for mouse speed.
Press “OK” to confirm or press “Cancel” to cancel the settings.
4. Profile: The Joymapper allows to setup different profiles for special key / joystick assignments to Windows
Press Profile > “Options”, 4 options are available:
create a new profile
delete a profile
reset a profile to default values
save the profile
5. In “Special Keys”, there are 5 options: None, Mouse, System, Profile Switch and Application Switch.