Equalizer, Vibrato, Humanize – Vir2 Instruments BASiS User Manual
Page 14: Vcurve, Restart engine

Individual controls are available for delay time (CC#98), damping (CC#99), pan or
stereo width (CC#100), feedback (CC#101), return level (CC#97), and master on/off
control (CC#96).
Clicking the Edit Equalizer button on the main page leads to a dedicated EQ page
that allows you to adjust the frequency, gain, and bandwidth of three different
bands of EQ. Each knob can be controlled by external MIDI CC's; see the External
MIDI Control section below.
Clicking the Edit Vibrato button on the main page leads to a dedicated page that
allows you to adjust the type of vibrato that is engaged when the mod wheel (CC#1)
is raised. A completely custom vibrato engine is included in
, allowing for real-
istic human vibrato to be added to the bass. Individual controls are available for
speed (CC#20),depth (CC#1,the mod wheel),and type (CC#21,which cycles through
Standard, Fast'n'Mellow, Sweet, Light'n'Fast, Feeling, Expressive, and Deep'n'Fast).
The Humanize button employs several advanced techniques to add a degree of ran-
domness to the samples being played.The advanced Humanize engine has no con-
trols except for on/off (MIDI CC#28).This engine greatly contributes to being able to
realistically from a keyboard.
The VCurve pulldown menu (externally controllable via MIDI CC#22) allows seven
different velocity curves that can be used to tailor to different styles of playing. The
control defaults to linear (no velocity scaling) but can be adjusted for louder or soft-
er playing, and the instrument will dynamically begin to respond accordingly.
Restart Engine
The Restart Engine button (externally controllable via MIDI CC#29) can be used in
extreme circumstances if the engine is behaving strangely. This is included as an
emergency control and is not normally needed during routine usage of