Eq lbo, Equipment loop, Network loop – Verilink T Lite (34-00292.2) Product Manual User Manual

Page 14: Network lbo

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and AMI line code. Setting the switch to EQ-AMI NET-B8ZS
(B) presents a B8ZS signal to the network and sets the
equipment to AMI line code.


Positions SW1-2, SW1-3, and SW1-4 set the EQ

LBO (line build out) transmit signal value towards the customer
equipment. The value should match the cable length from the EQ
port to the attached equipment. The default is 0 to 133 feet

Equipment Loop

Position SW1-5 sets equipment loopback

functions. When the switch is set to Enabled (B), the unit is
placed into an equipment loopback where the equipment receives
all the data it sends. The unit remains in equipment loopback
until the switch is set to Disabled (A). The unit sends an
unframed all 1s pattern to the network.

Network Loop

Position SW1-6 sets network loopback functions.

NET LOOP can be set to Auto or Manual. Auto (A) enables the
unit to respond to network loop requests (a 1 in 5 pattern) and
remain looped until it receives a 1 in 3 pattern. Setting the switch
to Manual (B) forces the unit into a manual network loopback
until the switch is returned to Auto. The unit sends an unframed
all 1s pattern to the equipment.

Network LBO

Positions SW1-7 and SW1- 8 set the network

line build out signal level transmitted towards the T1 facility. The
default output level is 0 dB (AA). Change the signal level to

7.5 dB,

15 dB, or

22.5 dB as necessary. The telco can

provide the proper setting. If unsure of the setting, leave it
at 0 dB.