P09.pdf, Tail and gyro setting 尾舵及陀螺儀設定 esc setting 電子調速器設定 – Thunder Tiger E325S User Manual

Page 10

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The Gyro and the servo horn have been mounted on the helicopter at Factory. To power off the receiver and then transmitter before we
start to set gyro and tail at this step. 陀螺儀及伺服機擺臂已由原廠安裝完成。在開始設定陀螺儀及尾舵前,請依序關閉接收機及遙控器電源。

■ Gyro Operating Direction 陀螺儀作動方向

Power on your transmitter and then receiver again, do not move the helicopter at this moment until the LED indicator is steady.
Check the directions below:
1. While giving the right rudder control, the servo arm should move toward the nose of helicopter.
2. Rotate the helicopter with your hand counter clockwise, the servo

arm should move toward the nose of helicopter.

Please switch the direction on your transmitter or gyro if any wrong.
1. 當執行右舵時,伺服機擺臂應朝機頭方向作動。
2. 將整台直昇機逆時針旋轉時,伺服機擺臂應朝機頭方向作動。

■ Length of Tail Linkage Rod 尾舵拉桿長度

The servo horn should be at neutral position while the tail sticker of transmitter
is centered, and the pitch of tail rotor grips should be at 0-degree or a little bit
offset to right. Please adjust the linkages if the length of rod is incorrect.

Rudder Servo

The traveling limit of the tail servo may not go beyond the mechanical movement.
To adjust the traveling limit or pirouetting speed of the helicopter, please use the

“Travel Adjustment” , “D/R” or “EXP”

functions on your transmitter. Refer your transmitter or gyro instruction manual may get more detailed information.

Rudder Servo



1. Power on the transmitter and place the throttle stick at full throttle position.
2. Power on the receiver if do not the built-in BEC.
3. Connect Lipo battery pack to ESC and wait for 2 seconds.
4. You will hear 6 tones (♪♪♪♪♪♪) from the ESC, which means the full throttle position has been calibrated.
5. Move the throttle stick to the idle position (lowest position) for about 1 second, and then you will hear 4 tones. (♪♪-♪♪)
6. A long Beep- tone means the idle throttle position has been calibrated and now the ESC is ready to go.
7. Power off the receiver/disconnect the Lipo battery pack from ESC, and then your transmitter.
8. To confirm the calibration procedure had been done correctly, please re-power on the transmitter and then re-connect Lipo battery

pack to ESC again. You will hear 3 rising tones (

) if the setting of ESC is correct and ready to go.

1. 開啟遙控器,將油門撥桿置於全油門位置。
2. 如未使用內建BEC功能,請開啟接收機。
3. 將鋰電池組(另購)連接至ESC,等待2秒。
4. ESC會發出6聲“嗶”響,表示全油門位置已完成校正並紀錄。
5. 將油門撥桿移至最低點並等待1秒,此時ESC會發出4聲音響。
6. 當聽到ESC發出一長“嗶”聲時,表示油門最低點位置已完成校正並紀錄,此時ESC已完成校正程序並已可正常使用。
7. 關閉接收機電源/斷開鋰電池組與ESC間的連接,然後再關閉發射機電源。
8. 重新依序開啟發射機電源及連接電池至速控器,以確認校正程序是否正確完成;聽到3聲上抑音響表示已ESC校正設定正確且已可飛行。

To connect the Lipo battery pack to ESC is necessary at this step. For safety, please ensure the motor has been deactivated
(or disengage the pinion gear from the main gear), and will not drive the main rotor before performing this step!

Congratulates all the setting on the grand had been done for now. Next section of setting will be moved on the flying field and
need to take your helicopter off. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to seek helps and guidance from accomplished pilots if
you were a newcomer to the RC helicopters!

All the parameters of the ESC (Electric Speed Controller) had been set at
Factory, the only setting you need to do is the Throttle Calibration:

The calibration procedure always must be
preformed if a new transmitter is being used.

Please refer the ESC instruction manual to read more detailed
information if any default settings need to be changed.