THD Electronics YJUni User Manual
Yellow jacket, Yjuni, Instruction sheet

• Contains one Yellow Jacket converter model YJUni.
• Converts pin configuration from 9-pin to 8-pin to allow
certain 6V6, 6K6 and similar low-voltage circuits to
use EL84 tubes.
• Keeps output power the same.
• Perfect for THD UniValve, BiValve-30 and Flexi-50
• Safe for all common amplifiers and trans form ers.
• Great for adapting tube-testers to test EL84 tubes.
• One Year Limited Warranty on converter.
• “The next best thing to getting yourself a new amp.”
- Guitar World Magazine
• “Increase amplifier flexibility”
- Guitar Player Mag a zine
Thank You!
Thank you for buying our Yellow Jacket con vert er! It will
provide you with years of service, as sum ing that you re-
place the tubes when they are worn, and will also give
you a much greater variety of sounds from your am pli fi ers
than you have ever ex pe ri enced before.
How to Install Yellow Jackets:
How to Install Yellow Jackets:
1. With your amplifier cold and turned off, remove the
power tube from its socket. (Use a towel to pro tect your
hands if the tubes are hot.)
2. Place the Yellow Jacket converter in the tube sock et
and in stall an EL84 tube into the Yel low Jacket. Make
sure that all pins are prop er ly aligned and do not force
any thing. It should all go smooth ly if the tube pins are
prop er ly aligned.
3. Turn the amp on, let it warm up, and play. Your amp
is now run ning with an EL84 output tube.
If your amplifier is cathode-biased and designed for 6V6-
family tubes (6F6, 6K6, etc...), then there should be no
change or adjustment required. If the amplifier is grid-
biased, like a THD Flexi-50, then the bias should be ad-
Yellow Jacket
Tube Converter
Handbuilt in the U.S.A.
THD Electronics, Ltd.
3510 6th Avenue W
Seattle, WA 98119-1513
Phone: 206.781.5500
Fax: 206.781.5508
justed just as it would be according to the standard biasing
instructions included with the amplifier.
Other Thoughts Regarding Yellow Jackets:
Other Thoughts Regarding Yellow Jackets:
This mod el of the Yel low Jacket converter, the YJUni, is a
simple pin-converting adapt er for use in most am pli fi ers
which use 6V6 out put tubes, or other sim i lar-based tubes,
such as the 6F6, 6G6, 6K6, 6Y6, etc.... YJUni series Yel-
low Jackets are NOT to be used in am pli fi ers designed to
take tubes other than 6V6 and its close relatives. Use in
am pli fi ers de signed to take 6L6, EL34 or 6550 am pli fi ers
will prematurely wear the EL84 tube, but will not dam age
the Yellow Jack et.
If you are not sure if this Yellow Jacket will work in your
amp, please feel free to con tact us at the factory either by
phone or by e-mail. We will be happy to ad vise you on
your in di vid u al sit u a tion
If your amp uses 7591 out put tubes, you need the YJ7591
Yel low Jacket. If your amp uses 6L6, 6550 or EL34 fam i ly
tubes, you should use the YJS Yellow Jacket. The correct
unit can be ob tained from the factory or from your local
dealer, or this unit can be ex changed for the one you need.
Please con tact the factory.
The YJUni converter is also handy for testing EL84 tubes
in tube testers that do not have a 9-pin socket. The test
characteristics are very similar to 6V6 tubes, and, if your
tester does not have instructions for testing EL84 tubes,
a reasonably close approximation can be had by testing
using 6V6 paramaters.
Thank you once again for buying our products. With out
cus tom ers like you, we would have noth ing to do all
- All the folks at THD Electronics, Ltd.