Diamondback 06.DB SS OM User Manual

Page 16

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lever con trol ling the front brake.

NOTE: If your bicycle is equipped

with both front and rear brakes, most

effective braking is achieved by

using both brakes and apply them

simultaneously. (See also par. 3. Braking
technique, below).


WARNING: Sudden or excessive

ap pli ca tion of the front brake may pitch

the rider over the handlebars, which

may result in serious injury or death.

The braking action of bicycle
hand brakes is a func tion of the friction
between the brake shoes and the wheel
rim or brake disc. To make sure that you
have max i mum friction available, keep
your wheel rims, brake shoes and brake
discs clean and free of lubricants, waxes
or pol ish es.
Make sure that your hands
can reach and squeeze the brake
levers com fort ably. If your hands
are too small to operate the levers
com fort ably, consult your dealer
before riding the bike. The lever reach
may be ad just able; or you may need
a different brake lever design.

Some hand brakes have a quick

release mechanism (fi gs. 7-10) to allow
the brake shoes to clear the tire when
a wheel is re moved or re in stalled.
When the brake quick release is in the

1. Coaster Brake

a. How the coaster brake works
The coaster brake is a sealed mechanism which is a part
of the bicycle’s rear wheel hub. The brake is ac ti vat ed by
reversing the ro ta tion of the pedal cranks (see fi g. 5). Start with
the pedal cranks in a near ly horizontal po si tion, with the front
pedal in about the 4 o’clock po si tion, and apply downward
foot pres sure on the pedal that is to the rear. About 1/8 turn
rotation will activate the brake. The more down ward pres sure
you apply, the more braking force, up to the point where the
rear wheel stops rotating and begins to skid (see para graph
3. Braking Technique, be low).


CAU TION: Before riding, make sure that the brake is

working properly. If it is not working prop er ly, have the bicycle

checked by your dealer before you ride it.

b. Adjusting your coaster brake
Coaster brake service and ad just ment requires spe cial
tools and special knowledge. Do not attempt to dis as sem ble
or service your coaster brake. Take the bicycle to your dealer
for coaster brake service.

2. Hand Brakes

a. How hand brakes work
A bicycle with hand brakes may have one hand lever
which operates a rear brake, or two hand levers, one of which
operates on the front wheel and the other on the rear wheel. If
your bicycle has two hand brakes, it’s important to your safety
that you in stinc tive ly know which brake lever controls which
brake on your bike. In the U.S., bikes are required to be set up
with the right brake lever con trol ling the rear brake, and the


