About cassette tapes, Precautions for cassette use, Using the teac global site – Teac CD-A550MKII User Manual

Page 9: User registration, Using the teac global site user registration, 1 – introduction

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1 – Introduction

With the intention of protecting copyrights, several

record companies sell discs with a “copy control CD”

designation. Some of these discs do not comply with CD

specifications and might not be playable in this unit.

About cassette tapes

Usable types of tapes
Recordable tapes: Type I (normal)

Type II (high position)

Playable tapes:

Type I (normal)

Type II (high position)

Type IV (metal)

Write-protection tabs for preventing unintentional
Cassettes have write-protection tabs to prevent the

unintentional erasure of recordings. There are tabs for

cassette sides A (1) and B (2). Use the tip of a screwdriver

or similar tool to remove these tabs to prevent future

recording. Put adhesive tape over the hole to allow

recording again.

Tape slack
Before using a cassette confirm that the tape is not slack.

Slack tape could become entangled in the capstan or

other parts. Use a pencil or the like to wind the tape

until it is no longer slack.

Automatic tape type detection holes
Cassettes have automatic tape detection holes that allow

this unit to automatically determine the type of tape


Types of cassette tapes that are not recommended
for use with this unit
Use of the following types of cassette tapes might

prevent normal operation or performance. Moreover,

use of these types of tapes should be avoided because

they could become entangled in the unit and result in

unexpected malfunction.

Irregular cassette tapes
Cassettes that are deformed, have irregular tape

movement or that make unusual noises during fast-

forwarding and rewinding should not be used.

Long-play tapes
Tapes that are longer than 90 minutes are very thin

and easily stretched, which can result in warbling or

flutter. Moreover, these tapes can become entangled

in the equipment, so their use should be avoided.

Precautions for cassette use

Do not open cassettes or pull out their tape.

Do not touch the side of the tape that has the magnetic

coating with bare hands.

Do not leave them in places with lots of garbage or dust.

Do not use or store them in hot or humid places.

Avoid using or storing them in places with strong mag-

netic fields. Doing so could cause noise or the erasure of

recorded contents.

Using the TEAC Global Site

You can download the Owner’s Manual necessary for

this unit from the TEAC Global Site (http://teac-global.

1 Open the TEAC Global Site (http://teac-global.


2 In the TASCAM Downloads section, click the

desired language to open the Downloads website

page for that language.


If the desired language does not appear, click Other Lan-

3 Click the product name in the “Search by Model

Name” section to open the Downloads page for that


4 Select and download the Owner’s Manual that are


User registration

Customers in the USA, please visit the TASCAM website

( to register as a user online.