1 location, 2 system design basics – Sun Pumps SIJ 2.2-1300P-135 BL User Manual
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3.1 Location
As the majority of system installations vary greatly, only general comments can be made as to location. Prior to
installing the system, it is suggested to make a system layout plan. During the system layout, take into
consideration any potential shading of the solar electric modules, wire runs, wire size, conduit runs, trenching,
controller accessibility, tank location, pump head etc. Shading even a small portion of the array can reduce the
output of the entire array and thus reduce or completely stop the output of the pump. There is no substitute for a
good plan! Always follow State and Local Building Codes.
The PCA or PCC series controller can either be mounted indoors or outdoors. Locate all system equipment as
close as possible to each other. For top of pole mount racks, the controller is usually mounted on the north side
(shaded side) of the mounting pole. The controller must be mounted in a vertical position for proper cooling and to
keep the electronics dry. The pole should be located close to the well (bore hole). This general physical layout is
conducive to clean installation both aesthetically and electrically.
3.2 System Design Basics
(Read carefully before installation)
The pump discharge piping should be sized for efficient pump operation. We suggest using the Friction
Loss Tables (Table 2) to calculate the Total Dynamic Head using different pipe sizes. Use no less than a
1/2” suction pipe and increase the pipe size if the run is over 3 feet.
For optimum pump performance make sure that the wire is sized properly for the length of run between
the pump and the solar modules. Wire sized too small will cause a decreased output from the pump.
Keep the distance from the solar modules to the pump as short as possible. Refer to a DC wire loss chart
for proper sizing. It is recommended to keep the voltage drop under 3%.
The SIJ series triplex plunger pumps have poor suction lift capabilities and require a flooded suction or
positive head on the suction. Positive head can be up to 75 PSI.
Always fill the suction pipe and the pump with water before you turn the pump on. If the pump is
operated dry, damage to the pump will occur and dry running is not covered under warranty.
If pumping from a tank or any source that could run low on water, install a low water float switch to
protect the pump from running dry.
If a pressure switch is used in the system, choose one with a Low Pressure Cut-Off. If the pump runs
dry the pressure will drop and the low pressure switch will turn the pump off.
Never install the controller in direct sunlight. Direct sunlight on the controller may cause over-heating
of the controller.
Never lay the controller on the ground or mount the controller in a horizontal position. The controller
should be mounted in a vertical position only. A convenient place to mount the controller is on the
north side (shaded side) of the solar module array.
The controller should be grounded to the pump motor housing, the frame of the solar modules and to an
8-foot ground rod with a AWG #8 wire. If the well casing is steel it may be used as the ground rod. Drill
and tap a hole in the casing or weld a bolt to the casing for the ground lug. Use only a copper lug to
attach the ground wire. The cemented support structure pole will not provide an adequate ground. Do
not ground the positive or negative electrical wires. Always use a DC surge/lightning arrestor on the
panel side of the controller. (Midnight Solar MN-SPD surge arrestor is recommended)
Do not ground the array positive or negative electrical wires.