Dante audio-over-ethernet – Studio Technologies 214 User Manual
Page 8

Issue 1, July 2014
Model 214 User Guide
Page 8
Studio Technologies, Inc.
control allows adjustment of the left/right
level balance. In both modes the right
control is used to adjust the level of the
sidetone signal.
In the third headphone control mode the
left control adjusts the level of both in-
put channels 1 and 2, the center control
adjusts the level of both input channels 3
and 4, while the right control adjusts the
sidetone level.
The fourth headphone mode uses the left
control to adjust the level of input channel
1, the center control to adjust the level of
input channel 2, and the right control to
adjust the level of both input channels 3
and 4. In this mode the sidetone function
is not active.
The sidetone function allows audio from
the Model 214’s microphone preamplifier
to be routed to the headphone output.
This can be useful, providing the user with
an aural confirmation of the signal con-
nected to the mic input. It is especially
important when a “mix-minus” talent cue
signal is provided for the user. For appli-
cation flexibility the sidetone function can
be configured from among four choices,
specifying when it will be active in rela-
tion to the status of the main and talkback
To help minimize the chance of broadcast
cues being missed, the action of the level
controls can be configured so that there’s
always a minimum headphone output
level. Alternately, the controls can be con-
figured to fully mute when they are at their
minimum (fully-counterclockwise) position.
When the level control on the right side is
used for sidetone it will always allow the
sidetone signal to be fully muted.
The headphone output was designed to
meet the needs of contemporary head-
phones and headsets. Specifically, the
output circuits act as voltage drivers rather
than power drivers. In this configuration
they can provide high output levels with
very low distortion and noise, along with
minimal current consumption. The output
circuits can safely drive stereo or mono
loads. This ensures that all types of head-
phones, headsets, and earpieces can be
directly connected.
Dante Audio-over-Ethernet
Audio data is sent to and from the Model
214 using the Dante Audio-over-Ethernet
media networking technology. For flex-
ibility in meeting a variety of sonic require-
ments bit depths of up to 24 and sample
rates of 44.1 and 48 kHz are supported.
Audio output (transmit) and input (receive)
channels on associated Dante-enabled
devices can be assigned to the Model 214
using the Dante Controller software ap-
plication. This makes selecting the way
in which the Model 214 fits into an ap-
plication a simple matter. For example,
the main audio output channel can be
assigned to the input of an audio console.
The talkback audio output channel could
be assigned to an input of a matrix inter-
com system. And the hot mic audio output
channel could be routed directly to an
amplified speaker for producer or director
use. No special routing or “multing” using
cables or patch points is required to send
the output channels to multiple destina-
tions. And a single mouse-click is all that’s
required to reroute the audio signals.