Serial command set rev. 01 – SP Controls SP3-AFVP+ User Manual

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Serial Command Set Rev. 01

The serial command set is simple and comprehensive. All functionality of the AFVP can be accessed via
RS-232 or RS-485. The AFVP LED will glow green for 1 second after receiving each well-formed string.

Command Format

All commands and queries are ASCII characters followed by a Carriage Return (decimal 13).
Up to 5 individual commands can entered, separated by a space, before a Carriage Return is sent. The
AFVP will execute each in turn and reply to each command individually.

All numerical values are base 10. Commands are not caps sensitive. By default, commands are echoed
through the RS-232/485 port.

Bass, Treble, and Gain are configured per channel and will persist until changed. (E.G., if Channel 2
Gain is set to 3, it will remain set to 3. This setting is not affected when Channel 3 Gain is set to 0, the
unit is turned off, or it is switched to another audio channel.)

The AFVP replies to most commands with "OK " if the command was understood and executed, and
with "ERR" if the AFVP did not understand the command (it was malformed or missing arguments). All

AFVP replies are followed by a Carriage Return (decimal 13) and Line Feed (decimal 10).





a3 [CR]

sets audio channel to 3


A2,V2 [CR]

set audio and video channels to 2


T4,6 [CR]

sets Treble in audio channel 4 to 6 (flat)


E1 [CR]

echo on


M2 [CR]

malformed string (bad argument)


email : [email protected]


phone: (877) 367-8444

SP Controls Inc.
930 Linden Ave.
S. San Francisco, CA 94080

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