SONOSAX SX-PR (by Gary J. Louie) User Manual
Page 4

channels either momentarily or continuously or normal stereo is heard.
L/STEREO/R switch - either the left only is heard in both headphone channels, the right
only, or normal stereo is heard.
TAPE/DIRECT switch - the headphone output monitors either the tape inputs or the
main mixer outputs. The mixer outputs are unaffected by this switch - only the head-
LEVEL control - a six position switch for headphone level, from 0 (off) to 5 (loudest).
(OSC)/OFF/OSC switch - selects the 1 kHz tone oscillator to be on momentarily, off, or on
continuously. The oscillator is accurate in frequency to better than 1.4% with distortion
less than 1%. The internal level is such that when the master level controls are set to the
0 dB position, the modulometers will show 0 dB and the main outputs will be the rated
+6 dBu.
(MIC)/OFF/MIC switch - selects the built-in slate microphone to be on momentarily, off, or
on continuously. The slate microphone is intended to allow the the mixer operator to
inject his own voice identifications into the recording. The microphone has an automatic
level control, and is physically located behind the small hole at the left edge of the
LIMITERS - LINKED/OFF/ON switch - selects the limiters to be linked (both limiters will be
activated if either one is activated), off, or on independently. The limiters are set to
activate at 0 dB as indicated on the modulometer, but this is adjustable internally.
Limiters are useful for keeping unexpectedly loud sounds from overdriving the outputs
and any subsequent equipment, but they do alter the dynamics of the program when
activated. Since limiters will change such noticeable sound qualities as the noise level,
linking the limiters will at least keep a similar sound characteristic to both channels even if
only one channel has the signal which activates them.
POWER - EXT/OFF/BATT switch - selects the power source for the mixer, or off. Should
you have the Ni-Cd batteries installed, and the CHARGING JUMPER is installed on the
DC to DC converter circuit board, you can select the batteries while using the external
power connection and have unlimited operation time with automatic battery operation in
case of external power failure. If you select the EXT power, there can be no automatic
changeover to battery operation in case of power failure. You'll have to manually switch
to BATT when you notice that the mixer is dead.
If you have removed the CHARGING JUMPER and are using disposable batteries, there
can be no automatic changeover to battery power in event of an EXT power failure.
In either case, since the mixer uses a DC to DC converter powered by either source, you
can switch quickly between BATT or EXT without the mixer suffering any interruption in
its operation. For example, if you notice that the batteries are getting low, you may
connect the AC adapter and quickly switch over to EXT power without interrupting the
(BATT TEST)/ECO/BARGRAPH switch - selects the mode of the modulometer. In (BATT
TEST) mode, the left channel modulometer shows the average voltage per cell of the
batteries. In the ECO mode (economy), the modulometer shows audio level and only
lights up the highest (rightmost) LED. In the BARGRAPH mode, the modulometer shows
audio level and lights up all LEDs up to the highest (rightmost).
MASTERS controls - Left and right output level controls.
ON (LED) - glows when the DC to DC converter is operating and power is on. It takes a
few seconds to come on after the power switch is activated.
SLATE MIC - located behind the small hole between the ON and BATT LO indicators.
BATT LO (LED) - glows when the average voltage per cell of the batteries is less than