Setup – Smithco Spray Star 1100e Operator Manual User Manual
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The Spray Star 1100e arrives from
setup and ready for service.
1. Check the tire pressure. The front and rear tires are 20 psi (1.4 bar).
2. Batteries are located under the seat. This is a negative grounding system.
Connecting battery cables to the wrong
post could result in personal injury and/
or damage to the electrical system.
Make sure battery and cables do not
interfere or rub on any moving part.
3. Machine should be greased before starting, Use
No. 2 General purpose lithium base grease and
lubricate every 100 hours. Lubricating points are
on the right and left front spindles and center
pivot on front axle.
4. Attach the Spray Boom and any other Optional
Equipment to the Prime Mover, in accordance
with instructions in the Spray Star 1100e Parts/
Service Manual. The nozzles must be the correct distance above the turf as described in Turf Spraying
Guide. The spray boom must operate properly and the outer sections must break away safely if an object
is struck by them, they must then return to normal operation position.
5. Be sure to double check boom heights, nozzle spacing and displacement before spraying.
6. Machine is shipped with windshield washer fluid in Spray System to prevent freezing. Flush system
completely with clear water. Fill tank with water and retighten the four bolts used to hold the tank in place.
7. Read operating instructions before starting.
Never allow pump to run dry! The valve on the suction side of the pump (between the pump
and tank) must be fully open whenever the pump is operated.