A. preparation, Boom sprayer calibration, B. calibration techniques – Smithco Turf Spraying Guide User Manual

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1. Before adding any chemical, fill the sprayer tank with one-half of the desired amount of water. It

is suggested (and required by law in some areas), that water only be added to a sprayer tank
through an Anti-Siphon ("Air-Gap") Filler System to prevent contamination of the water supply.
Operate the sprayer to be certain all valves, hoses, as well as the pump and engine (or PTO)
are operating properly. Make certain that each nozzle is spraying a consistent pattern.

2. Set (or check) the Spray Boom so that the Nozzles are the correct height above the ground for

the type of nozzle and the nozzle spacing (distance between each nozzle) that is being used.
Nozzle Type


Height Above Ground

80 Degree Flat Fan

20" (51 cm)

18" (45-46 cm)

65 Degree Flat Fan

10" (25 cm)

12" (30-31 cm)

Raindrop Hollow Cone

20" (51 cm)

18" (45-46 cm)

Turbo Floodjet

20" (51 cm)

15" (38-39 cm)

Turbo Floodjet

30" (76 cm)

16" (40-41 cm)

3. Calibration of the sprayer is to be done with water, not chemicals. This insures safety to the

operator or individual performing the calibration operation. Only after all calibration procedures
are completed should chemicals be added to the sprayer.

4. Carefully measure the amounts of spray material to be added to the tank. Always read the label

instructions, then follow these instructions exactly.

5. If the chemical to be sprayed is a dry (powder) material, it is essential that it be thoroughly

mixed with water in a small container such as a pail, to form a slurry before adding to the
sprayer tank. Then, while the sprayer is running, add the mixture to the tank with the agitation
system operating. Always add the material to the sprayer tank through a filter screen in the tank
opening. Then, add the balance of the desired amount of water to the tank.

Liquid chemicals may be added directly from their storage container to the tank through a filter screen,
with the agitation system in operation.

(NOTE: Instructions #4 & #5 do not apply if the sprayer is equipped with a Concentrate Injection
System. If your sprayer is equipped with a Concentrate Injection System, refer to the operating
instructions provided with that system.)


The 2 Calibration Techniques outlined here are:

I. The Nozzle Chart Method of Calibration
II. The ~128" Method of Calibration

Each method may be useful in various circumstances and conditions.

It is important to note that there are other acceptable and proven methods of calibrating a turf
sprayer for application. Other techniques may be more suitable depending on operational
needs and technical competence of the operator.