Instruction manual – Sierra Video Manzanita 321V User Manual
Page 11

Sierra Video Systems • P.O. Box 2462 • Grass Valley, CA 95945 • (530) 478-1000 • Fax (530) 478-1105
Routing Switcher Reset
When a routing switcher first powers up, either
after power is applied or after a reset of the
processor occurs, it sends the following string
to the host:
* RESET Vx.x !
This informs the host that the switcher has been
reset, and gives the software version number.
Update mode, if implemented, is now ON> “x.x”
is the software revision number, e.g. “V1.1”.
DOS control program.
At the rear of this manual is a 3" DOS disk. The
disk contains a number of files.
• The text of the complete serial protocol for all
SVS routers.
• The compiled program: RTRCTRL (an EXE
• The precompiled source code for RTRCTRL.
• Comments on the program.
RTRCTRL will control any SVS router which has
serial control capability. It uses the “X” message
to send commands to the router.
To use the program, load the contents of the disk
into a new directory on your hard drive. Select
this directory and type RTRCTRL
menu screen that sets up the serial port of the PC
will appear. Use this to configure your serial port.
Then press enter. If there is a communications
error between the PC and the SVS serial control
unit, a trouble screen will appear. If communica-
tion is established, the trouble screen will still
appear for about one second before the normal
control screen appears. The bottom of the control
screen has additional menu choices, which include
how to exit the program and return to the DOS
The RTRCTRL program can be used as a starting
point in creating your own program to control
SVS routing switchers. This is why we have
provided the source code. Owning an SVS router
includes the right to use any portion of this pro-
gram for your needs. The program is copyrighted.
Do not use it in applications other than the control
of SVS routing switchers.
Also enclosed in the rear of this manual is a
diskette with Sierra Video Systems new software
for the Macintosh. In addition to the latest version
of MacRoute, the disk includes a Teach Text
document which explains the installation and
operation of MacRoute.