Model 44 instruction manual – Sierra Video Manzanita 44VSCP User Manual

Page 9

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Sierra Video Systems • P.O. Box 2462 • Grass Valley, CA 95945 • (530) 478-1000 • Fax (530) 478-1105


response to a command is not being sent. The
switcher never mixes updates with command

To turn off updates, use the command:


“X”: Connect Crosspoint
The command “X” is used to request that a con-
nection be made. It must be followed by an output
number, a comma, an input number, a comma,
and a level number.

For example, the command:

*X1, 04, 1!

says that a connection is to be made between
output 1 and input 4 on level 1.

“Z”: Connect Outputs AFV
The command “Z” is used to request that a con-
nection be made. It must be followed by a
comma-separated list of input numbers, one for
each output, up to the number of outputs in the
switcher. Fewer than the number of outputs may
be specified if desired, and the remaining outputs
will be left unchanged. The connection is made on
all levels (AFV).

For example, the command:

*Z4, 3!

says that input 4 is to be connected to output 1 on
all levels and input 3 to output 2.

Routing Switcher Reset
When a routing switcher first powers up, either after
power is applied or after a reset of the processor
occurs, it sends the following string to the host:

* RESET Vx.x !

This informs the host that the switcher has been
reset, and gives the software version number.
Update mode, if implemented, is now ON> “x.x”
is the software revision number, e.g. “V1.1”.

DOS control program

In the rear of this manual is a DOS disk with the
program “RTRCTRL” on it. This program will
run the Model 44 from any PC compatible with an
RS-232 serial port.

The Disk includes the control program, the origi-
nal C code the program was written in before
assembly and several general information text

The RTRCTRL program includes diagnostics
which check that the responses from the target
router are correct.


Also enclosed in the rear of this manual is a
diskette with Sierra Video Systems new software
for the Macintosh. In addition to the latest version
of MacRoute the disk includes a Teach Text
document which explains the installation and
operation of MacRoute.