Linux sdk reference – Sensoray 2255 User Manual

Page 20

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Linux SDK Reference

General Notes

Capture mode

The operating mode of each of the 2255’s capture channels is defined by the settings of the MODE2255
structure and is set by calling S2255_SetMode function.

typedef struct {
UINT32 format; //input video format (NTSC, PAL)
UINT32 scale; //output video scale
UINT32 color; //output video color format
UINT32 fdec; //frame decimation
UINT32 bright; //brightness
UINT32 contrast; //contrast
UINT32 saturation; //saturation
UINT32 hue; //hue (NTSC only)
UINT32 single; //unused
} MODE2255;


Video format:





Image scale:

SCALE_4CIFS – 640x480 (NTSC), 704x576 (PAL);
SCALE_2CIFS – 640x240 (NTSC), 704x288 (PAL);
SCALE_1CIFS – 320x240 (NTSC), 352x288 (PAL);

SCALE_4CIFSI – 640x480 (NTSC), 704x576 (PAL)


interpolation (deinterlacing)


SCALE_1CIFSF – 320x240 (NTSC), 704x288 (PAL),


field capture mode (60 Hz NTSC, 50 Hz PAL).


Color format, one of the following:

COLOR_YUVPL – YUV planar. The image data starts with an array of 1 byte Y component
data for all the pixels, followed by the Cr data for all odd pixels, followed by the Cb data for
all even pixels. Note that the amount of Y data is twice that of each color component.

COLOR_YUVPK – YUV packed. The image data is presented in the following sequence: Y-Cr-
Y-Cb-Y-Cr-Y-Cb, etc., where Y, Cb, and Cr are 1 byte each.

COLOR_RGB – RGB, 3 bytes per pixel, Windows bitmap compatible (BGR sequence, image
flipped vertically – bottom lines first).

COLOR_Y8 – monochrome image, 1 byte per pixel.