Dish Network 176779 User Manual
Page 29

J. Promotional Offers and Items. If a third party, such as an independent DISH Network retailer,
integrator or private cable operator, offered you a promotional offer or item in connection with
your subscription to the Services, such third party is wholly responsible for fulfilling such
promotional offer or providing such promotional item, and DISH Network is not in any way
responsible for such fulfillment.
A. Payments. You agree to pay all amounts billed for Services, as well as all taxes, fees and
other charges, if any, that are now or may in the future be assessed in connection with any
Services you receive from us, and any other charges due and owing to us. State and local taxes
or reimbursement charges for gross earnings taxes imposed on satellite providers for
transmission of programming in some states may apply. Unless you prepay for a multi-month
subscription to Services or prepay for all Services as required by your participation in a Pre-Pay
Promotion, we will bill you monthly in advance for most Services and in arrears for other
Services such as pay-per-view ordered by you or anyone who uses your Equipment, whether
with or without your permission, until you cancel your Services. Multi-month subscription
customers and Pre-Pay Promotion customers will be billed based on your pre-pay period (multi-
month subscriptions) or monthly (Pre-Pay Promotion customers), and must make all payments
in advance of the due date on your bill in order to continue receiving your Services; you must
also pre-pay for all other Services, such as pay-per-view, ordered by you or anyone who uses
your Equipment, whether with or without your permission.
B. Billing Policies. Your bills will show the total amount due, the payment due date, payments,
credits, purchases and other charges to your account. You may submit your payment by mail,
on our website, through our AutoPay program, by calling a DISH Network customer service
representative, or by any other means that we designate. Partial payments will be applied first to
the oldest outstanding bill. You must make your payment regardless of whether you receive a
bill. We do not assume the risk of undelivered mail. If you send checks or money orders marked
with a designation such as "payment in full," we can accept them without waiving any of our
rights, including without limitation, our rights to collect any other amounts owed by you,
notwithstanding your characterization of such payment. DISH Network does not extend credit to
our customers, and the Late Payment Fee (as detailed in Section 2(D)) is not interest, a credit
service charge or a finance charge. Certain fees and charges may apply in certain
circumstances to your payment for the Services, including without limitation, those set forth in
Section 2(D).
C. Alterations to Payment Terms. If you pay for a monthly subscription (other than a Pre-Pay
Promotion) and your account is past due on more than one occasion, we may require that you
pay for all Services and Equipment before you receive them, and you will be deemed to be
receiving your Service under a Pre-Pay Promotion, at which point, all terms and conditions of
such Pre-Pay Promotion will apply to you. If you paid for a multi-month subscription to any
Services and your account is past due for any amount, we may convert your multi-month
subscription to a monthly subscription, and we will first apply the amount you paid for your multi-
month subscription to any past due amounts and then to any obligations you incur in the future.