Definitive Technology DEFINITIVE BP7004 User Manual
Page 8

We suggest that when you are using a separate LFE input, you set the bass level
on your BP7002/BP7004/BP7006s to sound balanced when listening to music in
stereo and use the .1 channel or bass level control in your Dolby Digital channel
balancing procedure on your decoder to raise or lower the bass level for movie
sound effects as you require.
Normally the level control of the left speaker will be set the same as the level
control of the right speaker. However, these controls can also be set differently on
the two speakers in order to allow you to vary the response of left and right
speakers separately to compensate for variations and asymmetrical positioning of
the left and right speakers in your room (i.e., when one is closer to a side wall or
corner, etc.) if this is how you must set them up. This is a very unique and useful
feature which allows you much greater flexibility in loudspeaker placement, as well
as the ability to optimize what could otherwise be difficult placement situations.
Setting Low-Frequency Balance When Using
Separate LFE Input
VERY IMPORTANT: Setting Channel Balance
and Bass Management Systems
Dolby Digital and DTS 5.1 (6.1, 7.1) systems and decoders have a critical
channel balancing procedure for the left and right front speakers, center
channel, rears and subwoofer (if it is hooked up through the “LFE or Sub
Out” low-level connection) which must be followed if the system is to perform
properly. We have spoken with many system users with problems relating to
the overall sound of their system which could be clearly traced back to
improper system balance. In fact, many users never realize that there is a
system balance procedure to be followed.
Also note that Dolby Digital and DTS 5.1 (6.1, 7.1) systems and decoders
have bass management systems (systems which direct the bass to the various
channels) which vary from unit to unit. This bass management system must
also be properly adjusted. We have spoken with many system users with
problems relating to the overall sound of their system which could be clearly
traced back to improper bass management. In fact, many users never realize
that there is a bass management procedure to be followed.
Your receiver or decoder’s bass management system should be set for
“Large” left and right main speakers and “Yes” subwoofer. If you have a
Definitive center channel with a built-in powered subwoofer, set your decoder’s
bass management center channel setting to “Large” (although you should
experiment with this to see what sounds best in your specific system). If you are
using large rear surround speakers with very extended low frequency response
such as a large Definitive floor-standing system or one with a built-in powered
subwoofer, set the rear channels of your decoder’s bass management system to
“Large.” If not, set them to “Small.”