Directed Electronics G436S 5220XS User Manual

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© 2 0 0 2 d i r e c t e d e l e c t r o n i c s , i n c .

whenever the windshield wipers are used. A transmitter function

can also be used to turn on your parking and headlights for a

programmed time.

Power Trunk Release:

The channel two output of the system can

operate a factory power release for the vehicle’s trunk or hatch.

(An additional relay may be required.) If the factory release is not

power activated, then Directed's 522T trunk release solenoid can

often be added.

Power Window Control:

Automatic power window control is pro-

vided with the 529T and 530T systems.

Valet® Start System:

For the ultimate in convenience, the Valet®

start system can start your vehicle, monitor engine functions,

and power your climate control system with a push of a button.

Over-rev protection, open-hood lockout, brake pedal shutoff,

and automatic timer shutoff are all included. (This feature is

only for automatic transmission, fuel-injected gasoline vehicles.)

543T XHFplus External Receiver/Antenna:

The 543T XHFplus

external receiver/antenna can be used to upgrade the trans-

mitter/receiver performance in areas of high radio interference

such as military bases, airports, and hospitals.

Mobile Video:

This system is compatible with Directed Video’s

MCB1000 Multi-Channel Controller, featuring on-screen secu-

rity system programming and zone trigger information.