Posiflex FA-266 User Manual

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“Posiflex Optical Finger Print Sensor” or download the installation program from our web or




The MSR in FA-200 reads an ISO or JIS magnetic stripe card without driver. Yet, there

is a “Posiflex USB MSR Manager” program provided to control some parameter configuration
for this MSR. The features controllable in this program covers each ISO track enable/disable,
Alt+Num approach for ASCII codes and Leading/Stop code enable/disable. The function for
enabling each track of course comes in effect only when the track is physically available.
Please find in the mini CD delivered with FA-200 or Product Information CD or DVD
delivered with Posiflex POS system the folder for “USBMSR” and “SetUp” this demo program
or download the installation program from our web or


a. Cautions


Never pour the glass cleaner directly on the sensor window


Never use alcohol-based cleaners


Never submerge the sensor in liquid


Never rub the window with an abrasive material, including paper


Do not poke the window coating with your fingernail or any hard item, such as a pen.

b. Principle

The finger print sensor software never stores fingerprint images. The finger print sensor

software creates a fingerprint template, which is a highly compressed and digitally encoded
mathematical representation of fingerprint features. This template is created when a user
registers a finger and is stored in an encrypted file. When the user later touches the fingerprint
reader to authenticate, a new template is created and compared to the “registered” template. If
there is a match, the authentication is successful.

c. Finger Print Recognition

In order for the sensor to acquire a good image of your finger, you must place the pad of

your finger but not the tip in the center of the sensor window, and apply gentle, even pressure.
Do not “roll” your finger as usually practiced in the traditional ink and paper fingerprint taking
technique. Pressing too hard will distort your fingerprint. Pressing too lightly will not expose a
large enough area of your finger. Also, make sure to hold your finger on the sensor until you
see the sensor light blink; this may take longer for dry fingers. Then, lift your finger. Although
you may use any finger with the sensor, your index finger of either hand works best. If the
sensor is capturing your finger image as indicated by the sensor blink and you have tried all the
above suggestions, you may need to reregister your finger.

d. Sensor Activation

There will always be a red light from the sensor to detect the presence of a finger when

the sensor is activated. Failure to connect to a self-powered USB port will cause non-operation
of the sensor. If you activate your terminal’s power saving functionality but your third party
application does not support this, then your fingerprint sensor will enter “sleep mode” even
though your workstation does not. If this occurs, you will need to disconnect and reconnect the
sensor to the USB port. Please check with your application developer for compatibility.

e. Cleaning the Sensor

Depending on the amount of use, the sensor window may need to be cleaned periodically.

To clean it, apply the sticky side of a piece of adhesive cellophane tape on the
window and peel it away as in the drawing at right.

Under heavy usage, the window coating on some sensors may turn cloudy

from the salt in perspiration. In this case, gently wipe the window with a cloth
(not paper) dampened with a mild ammonia-based glass cleaner.