Dolby Laboratories PRO LOGIC DP563 User Manual
Dp563 dolby, Ii and surround encoder quick start guide, Calibration

Lt Output
Level Expected
Rt Output
Level Expected
Lt Output
Level Expected
Rt Output
Level Expected
0 dB
<–60 dB
0 dB
<–60 dB
<–60 dB
0 dB
<–60 dB
0 dB
–3 dB
–3 dB
–3 dB
–3 dB
–1.2 dB
–6.2 dB
–3 dB***
–3 dB***
–6.2 dB
–1.2 dB
–3 dB***
–3 dB***
0 dB
0 dB
0 dB
0 dB
It is necessary to calibrate the DP563 to your local reference
level. Simply introduce a 1 kHz signal into the left input channel
of the DP563 at reference level using the “Auto Calibrate”
function. Alternatively, the DP563 can be calibrated manually by
using the up/down cursor keys to adjust the internal level until
the LCD displays the desired level. While in manual calibration
mode, the level can be reset to the default value of –20 dBFS by
pressing the up and down cursor keys simultaneously.
Output and LFE Limiters
LFE Limiter
During Pro Logic II or Dolby Surround encoding with an LFE
signal present at the input, a soft limiter (attack time 5 ms,
release time 1 s) can be applied to the LFE signal prior to being
combined with the Left and Right channels. This limiter helps to
prevent high-level LFE signals from overloading the output signal.
Output Limiter
Since both Dolby Surround and Pro Logic II encoding are additive
processes, there is a possibility that high-level input signals can
create an overload condition when matrix encoded. An output
limiter (attack time 0.5 ms, release time 100 ms) is provided to
protect against this condition. When the output limiter is disabled,
a hard clipper is used to prevent overload.
Metadata Control
When audio metadata is present at the rear-panel connection,
the DP563, under metadata control, responds to the following
metadata parameters:
Metadata Source:
Selects whether external metadata is used
to configure the unit.
Metadata is not used.
Program Number:
Use the corresponding program in the
external metadata signal.
Dialogue Normalization (Dialnorm):
The encoded output
level is adjusted to match a dialnorm value of –31. For
example, when receiving a dialnorm value of –25, the DP563
adjusts its output level –6 dB to normalize the audio level to
–31 dB, relative to digital full-scale. Note: The actual digital full-
scale output level is affected by the output level trims.
LFE Channel:
When the LFE channel is enabled, a trim is
applied based on the value selected in the Metadata
Override/LFE Channel parameter. When audio metadata
indicates presence of an LFE channel, and the DP563 is
encoding in Pro Logic II mode, LFE processing is
automatically enabled.
Channel Mode:
The Channel mode parameter within the
incoming metadata stream tells the DP563 how many
channels to use when creating its output signal. The DP563
processes the surround channels slightly differently between
Dolby Surround or Pro Logic II encoding, per the incoming
metadata stream. When receiving programs with a single
Surround channel, Dolby Surround encoding passes the single
Surround channel to both Left and Right Surround processors.
When receiving programs with stereo Surround channels,
Dolby Surround encoding combines the stereo Surround
signals prior to mono surround encoding. Stereo (2/0)
programs are adjusted according to the dialnorm parameter
and sent to the output, while mono (1/0) programs are
attenuated 3 dB, sent to the Left and Right channels, adjusted
for dialnorm, and passed to the output.
Downmix Parameters:
The DP563 adjusts the appropriate
input channel according to the downmix parameters within the
incoming metadata stream. If extended bitstream metadata is
present, the DP563 uses these parameters, including the
“Preferred Downmix” parameter, which can indicate either Lt/Rt
or Lo/Ro. If Lo/Ro is indicated, the DP563 does not matrix
encode the input channels using either Dolby Surround or Pro
Logic II technology, but rather uses the downmix parameters to
create an Lo/Ro mix that is not intended for Dolby Surround or
Pro Logic II decoding.
Surround 3 dB Attenuation:
The DP563 inserts a 3 dB
attenuation on the Surround channels when instructed by
external audio metadata.
Pro Logic
II Basics
Unlike the Dolby Pro Logic system, which offered four channels
of audio (L, C, R, and S), including a band limited (100 Hz–7 kHz)
surround channel, the Dolby Pro Logic II system features
five-channel encoding and full bandwidth audio in all five main
speaker channels. Pro Logic II provides improved matrix steering
that results in greater channel separation and an exceptionally
stable soundfield. Both Dolby Surround and Pro Logic II are
stereo and mono compatible, and Pro Logic II is compatible with
existing Pro Logic decoding systems. The DP563 Pro Logic II
Encoder features user-adjustable premix settings, providing a
simple method to create an Lt/Rt mix from an original discrete
5.1 program.
Front-Panel Features
The DP563 can be reset to factory defaults, erasing all saved
presets and configurations. Hold down the Enter button during a
power cycle and follow the prompts on the display to re-initialize
the unit to the factory settings.
Firmware Upgrade
Updates to the operating system software are periodically
available for download at
. Software
upgrades are possible through the front-panel remote connector
(RS232) or the rear remote connection (RS485). Hold down the
Setup button during a power cycle and follow the prompts on the
DP563 Dolby
Pro Logic
II and Surround Encoder Quick Start Guide
Metadata Control–
Reversion Mode:
When under metadata control, the DP563
uses one of three modes to determine the behavior of the unit
when the external metadata source is interrupted or corrupted:
Last Used:
Uses the last valid metadata parameters received
until new valid metadata parameters are received.
Internal Params:
Uses internal settings until valid metadata
parameters are received.
Mute Outputs:
Mutes DP563 outputs until valid metadata
Override Parameters:
The DP563 can override certain
metadata parameters while still looking at the external metadata
source for others.
Selectable parameters for override:
Dialogue Level:
The Dialnorm parameter is used to produce
a normalized loudness level equivalent to –31 dBFS LeqA .
For more information on program loudness, see the LM100
User's Manual available at
The actual output level will also be affected by the output
LFE Channel:
The DP563 ignores the LFE Channel
parameter within the incoming metadata stream, allowing the
LFE channel to be hard-enabled or hard-disabled in the
encoded Lt/Rt output. The default is disabled.
Preferred Downmix:
This parameter is present only when
extended bitstream metadata is used. This override allows the
user to ignore this parameter and enable or disable Dolby
Surround or Pro Logic II encoding at all times.
Surround 3 dB Attenuation:
The DP563 can ignore this
parameter and either enable or disable surround channel
attenuation when under external metadata control.
I/O Control
Enter through the Setup/I/O menu.
Input Channels
Maps digital inputs to audio channels. The six predefined
channel mappings are:
Clock Source
The DP563 requires a valid AES sample clock reference to
operate. The unit can be locked to Digital Input 1/2 or to the
external reference input. When using the Ref In, sample rate
converters (SRC) can be selected, which will convert the
input signals to the external reference if desired. This is
useful when it is necessary to avoid sample clock differences
resulting from multiple input signals being switched into
the DP563.
Digital In:
Digital Input 1/2 is used as the clock source.
Ref In:
An audio sample clock signal presented at the Ref
In connector can be used as the system clock reference
with sample rate conversion enabled or disabled.
Output Word Length
The DP563 operates with 24-bit precision. When used with
equipment that does not support 24-bit resolution, the output
word length can be dithered to a shorter length. The default
setting is 20-bit.
Coding Delay
The minimum coding delay through the DP563 is less than
2 ms. This delay can be incremented in PAL or NTSC video
frames, fields, or in milliseconds. The maximum delay setting
is two video frames or 100 ms. When in bypass mode, the
DP563 delay is less than 2 ms.
Bypass Mode
When in Bypass mode, the DP563 routes the L/R inputs to
the Lt/Rt outputs without any premixing, encoding, word
length reduction, or limiting. The system delay in Bypass
Mode is less than 2 ms, and is not affected by the Coding
Delay setting.
Channel Config
Dolby, Pro Logic, and the double-D symbol are registered trademarks of Dolby Laboratories. © 2004 Dolby Laboratories, Inc. S04/15681, Part No. 91905, Issue 1
Lt/Rt Output Levels
When running test signals on individual input channels through the
unit, use the following matrix to confirm the appropriate output level
corresponding to the input channel. Note that any channel level
trims and the Surround 3 dB metadata value (when under external
metadata control) will affect the expected output level offset.
* Note that when sending a test signal to either the Ls or Rs
input, the Lt/Rt output will be out of phase.
** Note that the LFE Source menu selection will determine
whether the LFE input is active.
*** Note that the Surround Source menu selection will determine
the active input channels.
Pro Logic II Encoding
Dolby Surround Encoding