Blueberry, Use precautions - alfalfa, High bush blueberries – DuPont Authentication Velpar H - 65396 User Manual
Page 9
Rate Chart for Impregnating Fertilizer with DuPont™
VELPAR® L Rate Per Acre
2 Pints
3 Pints
4 Pints
6 Pints
250 pounds
16 pts/ton
24 pts/ton
32 pts/ton
48 pts/ton
300 pounds
13.4 pts/ton
20 pts/ton
26.8 pts/ton
40.2 pts/ton
350 pounds
11.4 pts/ton
17.2 pts/ton
22.8 pts/ton
34.2 pts/ton
400 pounds
10 pts/ton
15 pts/ton
20 pts/ton
30 pts/ton
450 pounds
8.8 pts/ton
13.2 pts/ton
17.6 pts/ton
26.4 pts/ton
For rates other than those listed, use the following formula to
calculate the amounts of VELPAR® L to be impregnated per
ton of dry fertilizer.
2000 = VELPAR® L Per
Per acre Lbs Fertilizer Per Acre
Ton of Fertilizer
Uniform application of VELPAR® L-impregnated dry
fertilizer is essential for satisfactory weed control. Accurate
calibration of the application equipment is essential for
uniform distribution to the surface. The recommended
method of application is to apply 1/2 the recommended rate
and overlap 50%. This results in the best distribution
• Best results are obtained when 1/2–1 inch of rainfall or
sprinkler irrigation occurs within two weeks after
application, when soil is moist at time of application, and
when weeds have not germinated or are less than 2 inches
in height or diameter. Heavy rainfall or excessive irrigation
after application may result in crop injury or poor
performance of the herbicide.
• On soils high in organic matter (greater than 5%), the
effectiveness of VELPAR® L can be significantly reduced
and weed control may be unsatisfactory.
• Crop injury, including mortality, may result in fields with
restricted root growth due to nonuniform soil profiles
such as gravel bases and clay lenses.
• Crop injury may result if hot weather, mid-to-high 90
degree range or higher, occurs within a few days after
• Do not apply to snow-covered or frozen ground.
• Since the effect of VELPAR® L on alfalfa varies with soil
conditions, uniformity of application, and environmental
conditions, growers should limit their first use to small
• If abnormally dry conditions exist following application,
restrict the first irrigation to no more than 1/2 acre inch of
• Temporary yellowing of alfalfa may occur following
VELPAR® L applications.
• Treat only stands of alfalfa established for one year or for
one growing season (except in California), provided:
–The alfalfa stand has a well developed tap root structure
that is at least 10 inches in length (0.25 inch diameter
below the crown) throughout the field and the crop is
healthy, vigorous, and not under stress from weather
conditions, low fertility, insects or disease damage.
–In areas with shorter growing seasons, such as, higher
elevations, adequate alfalfa tap root growth may not occur
and especially when alfalfa is grown together with a cover
or nurse crop. If an adequate tap root is not present, delay
application of VELPAR® L until the alfalfa has gone
through a minimum of two growing seasons.
• In California, fall planted alfalfa may be treated in the
following winter months with VELPAR® L at 1 to 2 pints
per acre (use higher rate for fine textured soils) provided:
- alfalfa root growth exceeds 6 inches in length
- vegetative top growth of alfalfa has lateral development of
secondary growth
- alfalfa is healthy and vigorous, not growing under stress
from insect, disease, winter injury or other types of stress.
Injury may result to alfalfa plants that fail to meet these
growth criterion listed above.
• Do not use VELPAR® L on seedling alfalfa, alfalfa-grass
mixtures, or other mixed stands as injury may result to the
seedling alfalfa or companion crop.
• Do not add a surfactant to VELPAR® L when treating non-
dormant alfalfa.
• Do not use VELPAR® L on gravelly or rocky soils,
exposed subsoils, hardpan, sand, poorly drained soil, or
alkali soils.
• Do not use VELPAR® L on fields with sandy loam or
loamy sand soils having less than 1% organic matter.
• Do not exceed 2 pints per acre on fields with sandy loam or
loamy sand soils having 1–2% organic matter.
• Do not exceed 2 pints per acre on seed alfalfa that has been
established for only one growing season.
VELPAR® L is recommended for control of certain
herbaceous and woody weeds in established high bush
blueberry fields.
VELPAR® L may be applied to high bush blueberries that
have been established for 3 or more years. Apply
VELPAR® L in the spring before blueberry leaf emergence.
Direct the spray solution towards the soil and weeds.
Using calibrated ground spray equipment, make the
application in sufficient water to provide thorough and
uniform coverage to the treated area (usually 20 gallons per
acre). Shut off spray booms when starting, turning, slowing
or stopping, or injury to the crop may result.