Northern Airborne Technology AA86 User Manual
Page 10
SM48 Rev. 4.00
AA86/87 Stereo Intercom Manual
Nov 12, 2003
Page 2-5
ENG-FORM: 805-0104.DOT
Selective disabling of Music
Appropriate on/off switch(es) should be wired between the stereo source and each of
the stereo inputs. This permits the pilot to selectively disable music listening to either
the front or rear seats while the remaining positions receive uninterrupted audio.
If separate stereo sources are provided for the front and rear seats, each source may
be fixed/hardwired to the respective front and rear seat input.
Two Stereo Sources
Alternatively, if two stereo sources are to be used, we recommend wiring a DPDT
center-off switch to each input. This permits great flexibility in music listening - either
front or rear seating position can independently select to listen to either music source or
to select the 'no music' center-off position. (See figure 1, below).
F r o m
M u s ic S o u r c e 1
F r o m
M u s ic S o u r c e 2
C r e w M u s ic
I n p u t P in s
P a s s e n g e r
M u s ic
I n p u t P in s
P a s s e n g e r
M u s ic S e le c t
C r e w
M u s ic S e le c t
U s e ‘C e n t e r - o f f ’ s w it c h e s - C e n t e r P o s it io n = M u s ic O f f
Figure 1
Low Power Inputs
All stereo inputs are low-level (i.e. line) inputs designed to be driven from nearly any
stereo source including, in particular, battery operated tape and CD players. When using
one of these low power, battery-operated units, it is preferable to connect the AA86/87 to
the stereo's headphone outputs (rather than the 'line' output) to assure proper operation
of the stereo's volume controls. If use of a portable tape or CD player is contemplated, the
installer may wish to consider placing a stereo jack in the aircraft panel (wired directly to
the AA86/87’s stereo inputs) to enable the pilot to plug the portable stereo player directly
into the panel.