NIStune Z32 ECU User Manual
Page 3

Important Soldering Notes
If you already have the equipment, you should know how to use it confidently.
Tools Required
Temperature Controlled Soldering Station with FINE (0.8mm or 1.0mm Tip)
SMD Electrical Soldering flux - liquid or paste (DO NOT USE PLUMBING FLUX)
Solder, 0.5-1.0mm
Desoldering braid, 1.5mm
Acetone or paint thinner
Small Paintbrush with Natural Bristle. Please, NO Plastic or Nylon parts!!
PCB Lacquer
Small Tweezers
This modification to the ECU requires you to remove several surface mount components
and add in new interconnections.
The easiest way to do this is first clean the board around the area with a good solvent.
Acetone is easy to get and works fine. A small natural bristle detail paintbrush works
fantastic for cleaning away the conformal coating. Don't be afraid to give the area a real
good wash down. Don't contaminate your large container by dipping the brush into the
fluid, instead use a small glass jar or metal tin.
On the bottom side when desoldering, 365'C is needed to soften the SMD adhesive. On
the top side desolder at a cooler 345-355'C. For soldering use 335'C. Clean the tip and
now add some fresh solder to each of the SMD pads.
In this case, a good dollop of solder is OK. With your soldering iron, alternately heat the
pins up for a second or so. Don't push downwards very hard, as you could strip a track off.
The solder/component should retain enough heat after several swaps and will come off
with a slight push. A pair if very fine tweezers makes this much easier.
Now clean the pads with a bit of solder wick and SMD flux. SMD Flux is absolutely
necessary for a good job. If you find it won't melt off, add a little solder to the end of your
wick (plus a little fresh flux). Add some fresh solder to the pads where the wires are to go,
it makes your job much easier.
Clean the circuit board again with the acetone. Be generous. Finally, get some PCB
lacquer and cover the reworked area. (in Australia get the Jaycar NA-1002 spray. It's
probably the same stuff that JECS use)