6 flp4 commands, 1 ablk, 2 pwr – Nevion ADDA-AES8 User Manual

Page 10: 3 on-site re-programming

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Rev. B | 10

6 FLP4 commands

FLP stands for Flashlink Protocol. The current revision of this protocol is 4, hence FLP4. This
specification is available form Nevion support.

The following FLP4 block commands are used in the monitoring and control of the module.



6.1 ablk

The ‘ablk’ blocks correspond to the physical audio ports as follows.

Block no.

Audio Port


D/A analogue stereo output 1


D/A analogue stereo output 2


A/D analogue stereo input 1


A/D analogue stereo input 2


AES input to D/A 1


AES input to D/A 2


AES reference input.

Blocks 0 to 3 report and accept the ‘lvl’ keyword followed by the maximum input level in cBu
(dBu multiplied by 10).

i.e. ablk 0 lvl 240 cBu

Blocks 4 to 6 report input presence with the ‘freq’ keyword followed by the received sample
frequency or 'los' or 'lol'. Absence of signal is reported with 'los' while 'lol' indicates an
unrecognized sample frequency.

i.e. ablk 4 input freq 44 kHz

6.2 pwr

The ‘pwr’ blocks from 0 to 4 list the levels of the power supplies as measured by the

0 is the frame +5V

1 is analogue +4.75V

2 is the frame +15V

3 is the frame -15V

4 is digital +3.3V

The frame supplies are measured after the module fuses and filtering.

6.3 On-site re-programming.

The module may be re-programmed on site with a GYDA Multicon system controller.
Firmware will be provided by Nevion support when necessary.

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