4 power dissipation in the dwdm-system – Nevion DWDM-40C User Manual
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Rev. A
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Figure 1.1: The different parts of an SC/PC connector
Cleaning procedure:
If the ferrule is dirty it must be cleaned before re-connection.
If a clean connector is pressed against a dirty connector, both connectors will become dirty
resulting in possible degradation of signal quality. Or even worse, you may damage the
surface of the connector(s). We recommend that the cleaning procedure is done by using a
special cleaning-tape suitable for this purpose, called CleTop (see picture below).
4.4 Power dissipation in the DWDM-system.
Due to the need of very stable laser emission wavelengths, a precise temperature control of
the laser cavity is needed. The laser wavelength will drift with changing temperature if the
laser is not controlled. This means that the internal temperature of the laser must be kept at a
constant level for all operation temperatures.
This is done through the use of a Peltier element placed within the laser package. The
function of the Peltier element is to control the temperature in a similar way as a refrigerator.
If the ambient temperature increases the Peltier element will cool the inside of the laser
package to keep the temperature at a constant level. If the opposite is the case and the
ambient temperature decreases, the Peltier element will heat the inside of the package to
keep the internal temperature constant. The quantity of heat absorbed or produced is
proportional to the current flowing through the contact. In practical terms this means that the