Mini Tec B Dash Harness Wiring User Manual
Mini Tec For the car

MiniTec B & D Dash Harness Wiring Instructions:
All of the following wires are connected to the car wiring harness.
The following wires are necessary to make your Honda Engine start and run.
CONSTANT (+12V): Connect this wire to a fused Constant +12V source from the car. This wire
provides Constant Power to the Honda ECU which enables the ECU to retain error codes
necessary to troubleshoot any MIL (Malfunction Indicator Light) occurrences.
SWITCHED +12V: Connect this wire to a fused Switched +12V source from the car. This wire
provides Switched Power to the Honda Engine Harness. This is power for the ECU, which causes
the ECU to power up. When the ECU powers up it causes the ECU to send power to the Main
Relay, which powers up the Fuel Pump +12V. This Wire also provides power to the Engine
Sensors and the Fuel Injectors. In addition this wire provides power to the Coil and the
GROUND: Connect this wire to chassis ground, this is the reference ground for the ECU as well
as being tied to the ground connected to the engine.
FUEL PUMP (+12V): Connect this wire to the Positive terminal of the Electric Fuel Pump. This
wire is the Fuel Pump power output from the Main Relay.
START SIGNAL: Connect this wire to the start terminal on the key switch or the momentary
Start Pushbutton. By applying +12V to this wire the starter is energized.
The following wires are connected to relays to control the function of their respective
FAN CONTROL: This wire is the ground for the Fan Control Relay. Use the following diagram for
the Fan Control Relay.