Metz Mecablitz 45 CL-4 User Manual
Page 41
Point worth knowing
The mecablitz 45 CL-4 is available in two versions:
• mecablitz 45 CL-4-NC
(with NiCad battery and battery charger)
The NC version can be expanded to alkaline manganese battery operation
by way of the battery holder 45-39 (available as an optional extra).
• mecablitz 45 CL-4-BAT (for operation with alkaline manganese batteries,
batteries are not included)
The battery version can be upgraded to rechargeable NiCad battery opera-
tion by adding the B 45 charger set (= NiCad battery and battery charger)
Outstanding features:
• Universal, swivelling quadrolight reflector for bounced flash without having
to forgo the benefits of automatic exposure control.
• Secondary reflector that can be activated for front fill-in light with bounced
flash exposures.
• Wide-angle diffuser with automatic data display changeover.
• Automatic exposure control with a selection of 6 working apertures to easi-
ly resolve the problems associated with depth-of-field and to offer greater
creative scope regarding camera settings.
• Power-saving thyristor light output control, particularly in the close-up ran-
ge, for shorter recycle times and a higher number of flashes from just one
battery charge
• Correct exposure confirmation (auto check) with a long display duration.
• Convenient calculator dial for all settings.
• Manual mode at full, half and quarter light output.
• Operation with winder cameras.
• Operating mode indicated by luminous display.
• SCA 300 dedicated system. Adapters (optional accessories) will match the
mecablitz with the special functions of different system cameras. Please
refer to the enclosed SCA 300/3002 table to establish which adapter is
required for the given camera. The table also lists the special flash func-
tions which the system can then perform.
Special flash functions
when using an SCA 300 adapter:
• Flash-ready indication in the camera’s viewfinder.
• Correct exposure indication (auto check) in the camera’s viewfinder
A signal in the viewfinder of many cameras indicates correct exposure or
under-exposure of the film when in automatic or TTL flash mode.
• Automatic flash synch speed control
With most system cameras flash readiness causes the shutter speed to be
automatically changed from the adjusted mode to flash synch speed. On
some cameras slower adjusted shutter speeds are retained. The original
shutter speed is automatically readjusted on the camera as soon as the
flash-ready display has extinguished, or when the flashgun is switched off.
• TTL flash control
• Triggering control
The flash is not fired if, as a result of the aperture set on the lens in keeping
with the prevailing ambient light level, a shutter speed is adjusted on the
camera that equals or is faster than the flash synch speed. The picture is
then shot with the ambient light, thereby avoiding overexposure.
• First- or second-blind synchronization option
This mode offers two possibilities of flash synchronization:
- Either when the first blind of the focal plane shutter opens, or
- just before closure of the second blind.
The required synchronization is selected on the SCA adapter.
Synchronization with the secon shutter blind is valuable when a slow shut-
ter speed has to be used to shoot a moving object that has its own source
of light.
• Autofocus measuring beam
The autofocus measuring beam is activated by the camera’s electronic
703 47 0149-A3 45CL-4 14.03.2006 10:08 Uhr Seite 41