Directed Audio 1500X User Manual

Page 6

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© 2003 Directed Electronics, Inc

1. RRCCAA IInnppuutt JJaacckkss -- Accepts line level

outputs from head units or signal
processors at voltages between
150mV and 4 volts.

2. IInnppuutt GGaaiinn AAddjjuussttm

meenntt -- Controls

amplifier sensitivity and is used to
match the input level of the ampli-
fier to the output level of the signal

3. CCrroossssoovveerr FFrreeqquueennccyy AAddjjuussttm

meenntt --

Adjusts the crossover point for the
on-board active crossovers.

4. CCrroossssoovveerr SSeelleeccttiioonn SSw

wiittcchh --

Controls the type of filter for the on-
board active crossover. FLAT does
not attenuate any frequencies and
is for full-range speaker systems.
HPF attenuates low frequencies and
is used for mid-range speakers and
tweeters. LPF attenuates high
frequencies and is used for
subwoofers speakers.

5. BBaassss EEQQ SSw

wiittcchh - Adds an additional

6 or 12 db of bass boost to the
speaker output (4600X 12 db

6. SSttaattuuss LLEEDD - Will light BLUE to indi-

cate the amplifier is on and oper-
ating normally, and will be RED if
the amplifier shuts down due to
short circuit, or overheating
detected by on-board protection


The 2300X and 4600X amplifiers require that
the system remote power be cycled off and on
again to restart the amplifier after a protection

The 1500X amplifier will cycle off and automati-
cally turn back on when the fault condition clears.

The amplifier should be inspected for proper venti-
lation clearance on all sides of the amplifier (2-
inches). The speaker wiring should be inspected
for any shorts.


The 1500X and 2300X amplifiers have one
combined Power/Protection (BLUE/RED) LED,
the 4600X amplifier has separate Power (BLUE)
and Protection (RED) LEDs.


NNOOTTEE:: The step numbers listed below are referenced on the Input Wiring Diagram.

This manual is related to the following products: