Introduction, Installation – JLCooper PPS-2 Remote for Mac OS X User Manual
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PPS-2 offers the advantages of several synchronizers in one versatile package. It reads
and generates SMPTE time code and converts SMPTE into MIDI Time Code or Direct
Time Lock. It also reads and generates JLCooper's “Smart FSK” sync and converts it
into MIDI Clock with Song Position Pointer. PPS-2 also offers Jam Sync/Regeneration,
Flywheeling and Auto-Merge.
The PPS-2 Remote Software for MAC OS X™ extends these capabilities by offering the
ability to set frame rates, start and stop times and to batch stripe a list timecode starts
and stops of songs, film cues, etc.
After downloading the file Install_PPS-2_Remote_Software.dmg, double-click it. In the
window that opens, drag the icon labeled PPS-2 Remote Software over the icon
labeled Applications alias and release the mouse. This will cause the Finder to copy
the software into the Applications folder on your hard drive.
Once the Finder is done copying files, look in the sidebar of any Finder window for the
PPS-2 installer icon. Click the little eject icon next to it to close the installer window.
PPS-2 Remote for Mac OS X™