Hybrid Audio Technologies Legatia SE Carbon User Manual

Page 9

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Legatia SE Carbon User’s Manual

©Hybrid Audio Technologies

Page 9 of 30

infinitely baffled, just simply for the fact that there’s a progressive acoustic short circuit between front
and back waves below the speaker’s resonance frequency (Fs) in the open baffle configuration.
Great care must be taken in this instance, because there is no acoustic compliance afforded in a
dipole configuration, and the speaker will reach its mechanical limits much quicker (and will net
increased distortion). However, in certain instances, a dipole-style midbass may work well in a
vehicular installation, in that radiation from the rear of the baffle, having undergone enough phase
shift as it comes around to the front, adds to the total sound at off-axis angles. Of great importance in
the dipole midbass configuration is the setting up of crossovers and weighing the negative effects of
distortion of elevated amplitude levels.