Hypertherm Powermax30 Service Manual power board replacement procedure update User Manual

Powermax, Replace the power board

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Service Manual

Replace the power board

Before beginning this procedure, make sure you have the correct power board for your system. The replacement kit for a

CSA power board is part number 228094. The replacement kit for a CE power board is part number 228102. Although

there are some technical differences between the power board for CSA power supplies and the power board for CE

power supplies, the procedure to replace the boards is the same.

1. Turn OFF the power, disconnect the power cord, and disconnect the gas supply.

2. Remove the 2 screws from the handle on the top of the power supply. Remove the handle and then lift the cover

off the power supply. Remove the Nomex barrier that protects the power board.


Static electricity can damage circuit boards. Use proper precautions when handling

printed circuit boards.
– Store PC boards in anti-static containers.
– Wear a grounded wrist strap when handling PC boards.

3. Detach the ribbon cable from the heatsink side of the power board. (See the illustration on the following page for

the location of the ribbon cable and the components listed in the next steps.)

4. Remove the torch start and cap sensor connector at J12 on the heatsink side of the power board.

5. Remove the connectors at J4, J5, and J6 on the heatsink side of the power board.

6. Remove the wires for the transformers and inductors at J13, J14, J15, J18, J19, J20, and J21.

7. Remove the work lead ring terminal from J22.

8. Remove the 3 retaining screws and the 4 heatsink assembly screws.

9. Remove the 5 screws that attach the IGBTs to the heatsink. There are holes in the power board to provide access

to them.