Acudraw operating instructions – Horton ACUDraw User Manual

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Once your crossbow is cocked,

never attempt to

release the safety pawl without first applying a small

amount of clockwise pressure to the crank (approximately ¼’’ to ½’’). Once you
disengage the safety pawl, carefully unwind the mechanism no more than 2 ½
to 3 turns (this is the only time you may crank the mechanism in reverse) to
relieve the string tension before removing the crank and returning the claw to
its storage position. Continuing to unwind the mechanism more than 2 ½ to
3 turns after the string tension is relieved will damage your ACUdraw. With
the tension relieved and the crank removed, do not forget to return the claw to
its storage position (photo 1). Leaving the claw inside the trigger’s string slot
may result in “shooting the claw”, which can cause severe injury to you and/or
damage to the bow.

Never crank the ACUdraw in reverse (counter-clockwise) when the claw is fully extended or in its
storage position. Doing so will damage the retraction spring.

Return the claw to its storage position by rotating the claw until it is vertical, then slide the claw assembly into the groove in
the stock.

DO NOT attempt to crank, or tighten, the ACUdraw with the claw in its resting position. Doing so can
cause damage to the claw or the claw cord.

Don’t allow the ACUdraw cord to get hung-up on any portion of the crossbow, scope or other
accessories while cranking the ACUdraw unit because the draw cord could break or pull off the

scope dials.


Study these directions carefully. You can severely injure yourself and/or damage your ACUdraw, if you do not operate it
according to these instructions.

1. Before cocking your crossbow, the safety knob must be in the

FIRE (red dot) position. Otherwise, the string latch will

not engage or hold the bowstring. If you try to cock your crossbow with the safety in the

SAFE (white dot) position,

the DFI™ (Dry-Fire-Inhibitor) will catch and hold the string, making the crossbow appear to be cocked. However, when
the DFI – instead of the string latch – holds the bowstring, you cannot fire the crossbow. When cocked correctly, the
bowstring will automatically set the safety and the string latch will grasp and hold the string (see photos 1-3).


Do not attempt to crank, or tighten, the ACUdraw

with the claw in it’s resting position.





Make sure the trigger’s safety is in the forward,

FIRE (red dot) position before cocking

your crossbow.

When you cock your crossbow correctly, the safety

will automatically move to the rear,

SAFE (white dot)

position, and the string latch will engage the string.

If you try to cock the crossbow while the safety

is in the rear,

SAFE (white dot) position, the

bowstring will be held by the DFI and only

appear to be cocked.