Herrmidifier Dual Pneumatic User Manual
Page 7

I n s t a l l a t i o n , O p e r a t i o n & S e r v i c e M a n u a l
This checklist is intended to highlight critical installation
points. A poor installation frequently results in start-up
difficulties and always results in less than ideal operation
of the humidifier.
1. Ensure all valves and valve cocks throughout the system
(especially at every head) are shut off.
2. Electric power is connected to the control cabinet per
the wiring diagram.
3. All humidistats and external inputs are connected to the
4. Air compressor is primed and oiled and air supply is
connected to the cabinet.
5. Air supply line has been purged and blown down to
remove any installation dirt.
6. Air supply line has been charged, leak tested and has a
minimum of 60 psi pressure to the cabinet.
7. Water supply is connected to the cabinet and has been
purged and blown down to remove installation dirt.
8. Water supply is charged and leak tested and has a
minimum of 50 psi pressure at the cabinet.
9. Drain loop has been connected to the bottom of the
cabinet and has been plumbed to an open drain.
10. Drain piping is installed with a loop a minimum of 3”
above atomizing heads and all piping after the cabinet.
11. All water piping from the cabinet to the manifolds is level
and without loops, or automatic float type air vents have
been installed at high points to remove trapped air.
12. All air and water lines at the ends for the atomizing
heads have been terminated with hose bibs.
After all checklist items are completed (and the total
installation is complete) the Dual Pneumatic system is ready
to start. Refer back to the Start-Up Checklist prior to Start-
Up below.
IMPORTANT: Before scheduling factory start-up, please have
any issues relating to the “Checklist” resolved. If additional
trips are required, additional start-up costs will be incurred!
1. Blow out air and water lines to the control cabinet.
2. Set all controls to their lowest setting (control and limit
if applicable). This allows the system to be turned “on”
without the atomization process being started.
3. Once the units get the signal to run and unit is turned
“on,” the air solenoid will energize within 5 seconds.
Once the air pressure switch detects sufficient air
pressure, the water solenoid will open.
4. With individual air and water valves at atomizing heads
closed, blow out the air and water lines through the
hose bibs.
5. A factory-trained technician will complete the balance of
the start-up.
The Herrmidifier atomizing heads operate with the water
pressure higher than the air pressure. As air enters the
atomizing head, it flows in a centrifugal motion inside the air
nozzle and outside of the water nozzle. As the water enters
the atomizing head, it creates pressure against the diaphragm
and compresses the spring located on the opposite side of
the diaphragm. The motion of the diaphragm pulls the water
seat away from the bottom of the water nozzle allowing water
to flow through the water nozzle. As the water exits the water
nozzle, it becomes atomized by the compressed air inside
the air nozzle and exits the atomizing head as a fine mist.
IMPORTANT: The air and water pressures to the atomizing
head should only be adjusted when the humidifier is at full
output. Do not attempt to adjust the air and water pressure
settings at any other time. The instructions below assume that
the atomizing heads are installed at the same elevation as the
water control section. Adjustment from this standard must be
made to compensate for any elevation differences between
the water control section and the atomizing head manifold.
1. Set the air pressure at 30 psig.
2. Set the water pressure at 33-38 psig according to the
atomizing head capacity as listed below:
a. 6 lb/hr. 35 psig
b. 8 lb/hr. 38 psig
c. 10 lb/hr. 33 psig
d. 12 lb/hr. 35 psig
e. 15 lb/hr. 37 psig
The water pressure settings listed above will allow the
atomizing heads to perform at their rated capacity (lb/hr.).
It may be desired to deviate slightly (1-2 psig) from the
standard settings in order to enhance performance. Slightly
lower water pressures will result in a finer atomized spray
(smaller droplet size). Be aware that any adjustments such
as this will also reduce the rated capacity of the heads. Use
caution accordingly.
• Air Compressor – follow manufacturer’s recommended
• Atomizing Heads – clean dust and debris from outside of
heads as required. If raw water is used, we recommend
removing the atomizing nozzles and strainer screens
once a year for disassembly and cleaning. DO NOT
use a wire or other foreign object to clean nozzle as this
could ruin orifice.
• Air & Water Lines – blow out once a year. Check joints
for leaks once a year.
• Humidistats should be checked once per year.
• Solenoid valves should be checked once a year for
proper operation and closure.