Mounting the frame – GAMMA PROGRESSION 600 / 600FC (Issue 2 / Version E - Dec. 10, 1997) User Manual

Page 5

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Adjusting the Frame Support Posts

Place the racquet frame over the center
posts and onto the frame support. Loosen
the lever lock bolt on one support post. Slide
the post outward until the center support of
the racquet support slide is positioned near
the inside surface of the racquet frame.
Securely tighten the lever lock bolt.

Adjust the opposite post using the same

Caution: To avoid racquet damage, the cen-
ter posts should not contact the racquet prior
to fixing the support posts.

Adjusting the Frame Shoulder Sup-

Being sure the shoulder supports are free to
swivel in thier mountings, simultaneously
rotate the shoulder support adjustment knobs
clockwise until both shoulder supports gen-
tly and squarely contact the frame.

Tighten the Frame Support Slides at the head
and throat of the racquet until they gently
contact the frame between the two center
main string grommets.

Securing the Frame

Lock the shoulder supports in position by
turning the knob at the base clockwise.

Repeat the adjustment procedure for the
remaining support post.

Re-tighten all of the frame supports in the
same order as before.

Do not overtighten any of the supports as
racquet damage may occur.

The supports should be tightened to the point
where the racquet frame will not move in the

mounting system when the handle is grasped and attempts are made to move it. Should any
supports lose contact with the frame while stringing, they should be re-tightened.