Mounting the frame, Stringing the frame – GAMMA 8500 Els STRINGING MACHINE (Issue 1 - May 24, 2001) User Manual

Page 17

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Mounting the Frame

Support Slide Adjustment

Once the frame support posts are secured, lightly tighten
the support slides by turning the knobs on the outside of
the slides clockwise. Adjust the slides in equal incre-
ments until slight resistance is felt.

Apply a final adjustment to all racquet support points
until the racquet is firmly secured in the mounting

Should the frame supports lose contact with the frame
while stringing, they should be adjusted, as needed, to
maintain contact with the frame.

Stringing the Frame

Installing the Cross Strings

Weave the cross strings over and under the main strings
being careful to alternate the weave direction of each
consecutive cross string so as to be opposite of the
previously installed cross string.

Once the final cross string is tensioned and clamped, tie
off at the appropriate hole specified by the racquet

Remove the strung racquet by loosening the shoulder
supports and support slides in small increments until the
racquet is free from the mounting system.

Installing the Main Strings

To begin stringing the main strings, insert the two ends
of the string through the two center holes at the appro-
priate end of the frame and continue through the center
holes on the opposite end of the racquet.

Secure one of the strings using a string clamp and insert
the free end into the string gripper.

When tension is applied to the string, clamp off the
tensioned section of string, release string from tensioner,
and proceed to thread string into next sets of holes. After
the last main strings are pulled, tie-off the strings at the
appropriate hole specified by the racquet manufacturer.