Stringing the frame – GAMMA PROGRESSION STII STRINGING MACHINE (Issue 5 - January 2009) User Manual
Page 10

Pulling Tension
Wrap the loose section of string once around the
roller guide and insert the string between the
diamond dust coated string gripper plates. Pull
the string perpendicular to the gripper plates
while slowly rotating the tensioner crank clock-
wise until the brake lever pops out of the latching
block. The string is now tensioned and can be
clamped in place with the remaining fixed clamp.
Repeat the above steps until all main strings are
installed. Tie off ends of main strings as per
racquet manufacturers recommendations.
Weaving the Cross Strings
Weave the cross strings over and under the
main strings being careful to alternate the
weave direction of each consecutive cross
string so as to be opposite of the previously
installed cross string.
Once the final cross string is tensioned and
clamped, tie off at the appropriate hole speci-
fied by the racquet manufacturer.