Delkin Devices SensorScope System User Manual

Page 4

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Take better pictures.
Cleaner sensors make cleaner images. Save time and money by taking
cleaner images and minimizing time sitting at the computer with

SensorScope just works.
No other product on the market is safer for cleaning your sensor.
With SensorScope you know if your camera needs cleaning and you
know when to stop cleaning. The SensorScope combined with the
SensorVac, SensorWands and SensorSolution makes it the safest and
most effective system for cleaning your digital SLR image sensor.

Educate yourself on the four most common types of contaminents
that can ruin your photographs and your sensor.

Silica / Quartz: Very hard and abrasive particles such as sand or rock
that can easily cause scratches and permanent damage to your sensor
and fi lter surface.

Metallic: Magnetically active particles that are commonly drawn to
the charged sensor and fi lter surface from the air and are stubborn
and diffi cult to remove.

Fiber: Synthetic materials such as nylon that can easily fall from
clothing into the sensor chamber. Non-approved sensor cleaning
materials may also shed fi bers onto your sensor during cleaning.

Organic: Pollen, skin cells and small hairs are often introduced from
the environment into your sensor chamber during normal operation
and can chemically adhere to the sensor or fi lter surface.

*Photoshop is a trademark of Adobe