English – DeWalt DPH3100 User Manual

Page 5

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DANGeR: RISk to BReAthING (ASPhyxIAtIoN) coNtINueD

• Some clean ing fluids

con tain sub stanc es which

could cause injury to skin,

eyes or lungs.

• Use only clean ing fluids

spe cif i cal ly rec om mend ed

for high-pressure washers. Fol-

low manufacturers

recommendations. Do not use

chlorine bleach or any other

corrosive compound.

DANGeR: RISk of fluID INjectIoN AND lAceRAtIoN

What can happen

How to prevent it

• Your pressure washer

operates at fluid pressures

and velocities high enough to

penetrate human and

animal flesh, which could

result in amputation or

other serious injury. Leaks

caused by loose fittings or

worn or damaged hoses can

result in injection injuries.




physician immediately!

• Inspect the high-pressure

hose regularly. Replace

the hose immediately if it is

damaged, worn, has melted

from contacting the engine,

or shows any signs of cracks,

bubbles, pinholes, or other

leakage. Never grasp a

high-pressure hose that

is leaking or damaged.

• Never touch, grasp or attempt

to cover a pinhole or similar

water leak on the high-

pressure hose. The stream

of water IS under high

pressure and WILL

penetrate skin.

• Never place hands in front

of noz zle.

• Direct spray away from self

and others.

• Make sure hose and fit tings

are tight ened and in good

condition. Never hold onto

the hose or fittings during

op er a tion.

• Do not allow hose to contact

muf fler.

• Never attach or remove wand

or hose fittings while sys tem is

pres sur ized.

• When using replacement

lances or guns with this

pressure washer, DO NOT

use a lance and/or lance/gun

combination that is shorter

in length than what was

provided with this pressure

washer as measured from the

nozzle end of the lance to the

gun trigger.

• Injuries can result if system

pressure is not reduced

before attempting mainte-

nance or disassembly.

• To relieve sys tem pres sure,

shut off engine, turn off water

sup ply and pull gun trigger

until water stops flowing.

• Use only accessories rated

equal to or higher than the

rating of the pressure washer.