Fluke Biomedical 76-823 User Manual
Page 9

76-825 Cardiac Insert
2.3 76-825 Cardiac Insert
A. The chamber simulates a heart wall that is approximately 12 to 14 mm thick. SUPERFLAB bolus
material (supplied with this unit) is used to simulate "defects." The bolus may be cut to any desired size
using a scalpel or X-Acto knife and the metric template supplied. The bolus material is somewhat tacky
and will "stick" for a short period of time.
Remove the eight screws holding the chamber together. At this point, the outer wall-sealing flange should
be lightly coated with hi-vacuum grease or Vaseline to seal the chamber walls. Place up to 3 previously
cut "defects" into the outer chamber wall. Note that large defects cannot be placed near the apex of the
chamber. Reassemble the inner chamber wall to the outer wall and tighten all eight screws. As you
tighten the screws, grease will change from translucent to transparent, indicting a perfect seal.
B. Filling
The "heart wall" chamber has a capacity of about 240 cc, and should be filled with water and about 0.1
mCi of Thallium-201. (Other isotopes, c.f. Tc-99m may be used instead, if desired.) The insert may then
be adjusted to the angle desired, and placed into the PET/SPECT tank. If desired, the Linearity/Uniformity
insert may be placed into the tank below, but not above, the Cardiac Insert. The tank may then be closed
in the usual manner, filled with water and activated with about 200 to 400 uCi of T1-201, to provide
reasonably realistic background radiation.
C. Procedure
Instructions for use of the Linearity/Uniformity block may be found in Section 2.2, D and E. For the
Cardiac Phantom Insert, make a reconstruction in the usual way, including the defect in the slice
reconstructed. In general, use the smallest defects that can be visualized under the best of conditions.
Defects either larger or smaller than these are not as useful. The phantom may be scanned in any
position or attitude, but one approximating the position of the human heart relative to the isotope camera
will usually be the most useful, both for teaching purposes and for quality assurance.