Flowserve Hydraulic Heavy Duty Actuators User Manual
Hydraulic heavy duty
© 2004, Flowserve Corporation, Printed in USA
Automax Valve Automation Systems
Installation, Operation and Maintenance Instructions
Flowserve Corporation
1350 N. Mountain Springs Parkway
1978 Foreman Dr.
Flow Control Division
Springville, Utah 84663-3004
Cookeville, TN 38501
Phone: 801 489 2233
Phone: 931 432 4021
The Heavy Duty series actuators have travel stop
adjustments in both clockwise and counterclockwise
directions. The 12 degree overtravel feature provides
adjustments from -6 to +96 degrees.
Field Conversion from FCW to FCCW
(For Spring Return Actuators)
Dismount actuator from valve.
Apply hydraulic pressure to actuator and loosen Stop
Bolt Jam nut (17). Back off clockwise Stop Bolt (16)
to remove spring preload.
Remove hydraulic pressure from actuator.
Support Spring Cartridge (11) and loosen all four
Spring Cartridge Nuts (41) evenly until all nuts are
loose. The spring cartridge does not have
to be removed.
Remove Position Indicator (44) or any other
accessories that may be on output shaft.
Remove Bearing Retainer Screws (14) from valve
mounting side, and slide Retainer Plate (13) off shaft.
The Torque Shaft (20) may now be tapped out of
Housing (1) using a soft faced hammer. Use care not
to drop shaft or Bearing (12) when they come out.
Rotate Torque Shaft (20) end for end and reinstall
into Yoke (4), using care to line up shaft with Bearing
(12) on opposite end. Push shaft through until shaft
bottoms out. Hand pressure only should be needed to
reinstall shaft.
Reinstall Bearing (12) into housing, ensuring that it
is flush with top of housing.
Reinstall Bearing Retainer Plate (13) and Screws (14)
ensuring that Gasket (37) is in place.
Tighten Spring Cartridge Nuts (41) evenly until all
four are evenly tightened. See bolt torque chart
Apply hydraulic pressure to actuator and reset Stop
Bolt (16). Never adjust stop bolt against spring force.
Reinstall any accessories or position indicator onto
Torque Shaft (20).
Check actuator for proper operation.
All actuators are factory lubricated for life, but still
should be protected from the elements and stored
indoors until ready for use. The ports of the actuator
are plugged as supplied from the factory. If actuators
are stored for a long period of time prior to
installation, the units should be stroked every 3
months to prevent the seals from taking a set.
Prior to assembly, manually open and close valve
to insure freeness of operation. Be sure valve and
Automax Actuator rotate in same direction and are in
same position, i.e. valve closed, actuator closed.
Check mounting surfaces, stem adapter, and
bracket to assure proper fit. Secure valve in closed
position with stem vertical. Bolt bracket to valve and
place stem adapter on valve stem. Position actuator
over valve and lower to engage stem adapter to
actuator shaft. Continue to lower until actuator seats
on bracket mounting surface. To align bolt holes, it
may be necessary to turn or stroke actuator a few
degrees and/or adjust actuator travel stops. Bolt
actuator to bracket.
After consulting valve manufacturer’s
recommendations, adjust travel stop bolts of actuator
for proper open and closed valve positions.
Hydraulically stroke actuator several times to assure
proper operation without binding of stem adapter.
If actuator is equipped with an Ultraswitch or other
accessories, adjust them at this time.
To prolong actuator life, use a petroleum based
hydraulic oil, such as Mobil DTE 24. Consult factory
for seal compatibility with other fluids. For normal
temperature ranges (50
F), use an oil with
viscosity of 150 SSU at 100
Oil should be filtered with a minimum of 40
depending on other system components and
Travel Stop Adjustments
All actuated valving requires accurate travel-stop
adjustments at both ends of stroke to obtain optimum
performance and valve seat life. Accumulation of tolerances
in adaption of actuators to valves is such that there must be
a range of adjustments for both ends of stroke to achieve
expected performance.
Hydraulic Heavy Duty
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