Flowserve FC1 Flow Control User Manual
Fc1, fcda & fcsr flow control, Operation, Speed adjustment

2003, Flowserve Corporation, Printed in USA
3-Position Control/Dribble Control
SR Limit Switch Method
Automax Valve Automation Systems
Installation, Operation and Maintenance Instructions
Flowserve Corporation
1350 N. Mountain Springs Parkway
1978 Foreman Dr.
Flow Control Division
Springville, Utah 84663-3004
Cookeville, TN 38501
Phone: 801 489 8611
Phone: 931 432 4021
Installation Instructions
Automax sandwich NAMUR mount accessories are easily
installed to the SuperNova actuator simply by stacking one
on top of the other and bolting the entire stack to the
actuator NAMUR mounting surface.
Orientation of FC1, FCDA & FCSR:
The FC1, FCDA and FCSR should be mounted to the actuator
with the NAMUR ‘O’-ring grooves toward the actuator. The
FCDA adjustment screws may be oriented either up or down.
On a spring return actuator, the FC1 & FCSR must be
oriented such that the adjustment screw is pointing up.
To Install:
1. Follow order of installation below in stacking accesso-
ries. If an accessory is not required, skip it and proceed
to the next accessory.
2. Properly orient NAMUR accessory (see appropriate
3. Insert ‘O’-rings into ‘O’-ring groove on back face of
4. Mount entire stack to SuperNova NAMUR mounting
face, using appropriate bolt kit shown in chart on back
page of IOM. Apply Locktite Threadlocker 222 or
equivalent to screws prior to assembly.
FC1, FCDA & FCSR Flow Control
Order of Installation:
a: LV1 Lockout and vent valve
b: FC1, FCDA or FCSR flow control
c: APS1 or APS2* air purge system
or NPT1* NAMUR-NPT adapter block
or NPTELB NPT elbow adaptor block
d: A25N* solenoid valve
* One of these accessories should be the last
accessory in the stack. The NPT1 and NPTELB block
provides 1/4" NPT ports in cases where FC1, FCDA,
FCSR or LV1 would be last accessory in the stack.
FC1, FCDA & FCSR Flow Control
The FC1, FCDA and FCSR are NAMUR mount flow control
modules for the Automax SuperNova actuator. The modules
provide a compact flow control, allowing for precise adjustment
of opening and closing speeds of the SuperNova actuator. The
FC1 provides flow control in one direction, while the FCDA and
FCSR provides flow control in two directions. The FC1, FCDA
and FCSR may be sandwich NAMUR mounted with other
Automax NAMUR accessories or may be used by themselves.
The FCDA functions as an exhaust flow control for the
SuperNova double acting actuators. Free air flow is allowed
into the actuator ports through a check valve. Exhaust flow
is restricted by a needle valve, slowing operation of the
actuator. For a direct acting actuator, the right screw
controls CW speed, and the left screw controls CCW
speed. For a reverse acting actuator, the left screw controls
CW speed and the right screw controls CCW speed.
The FC1 functions as a single exhaust flow control for the
SuperNova spring return actuators. The operation is the
same as the FCDA except it only has one adjustment screw
and only controls the failure speed.
The FCSR functions as a flow control for the SuperNova
spring return actuators by independently restricting the
supply and exhaust air flow of a common port. For a fail
CW actuator, the right screw controls CCW speed, and the
left screw controls CW speed. For a fail CCW actuator, the
left screw controls CCW speed and the right screw controls
CW speed.
Speed Adjustment
Turn adjustment screw CW for a slower speed, and CCW
for a faster speed.
FCDA Flow Control Module with A25N Solenoid Valve
FCDA Flow Control Module mounted with
A25N Solenoid valve to a SuperNova actuator
AXAIM011-00 (Auto-18)
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