Worcester controls – Flowserve Supplement 2 ACCESS I User Manual
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Flow Control Division
Worcester Controls
Flowserve Corporation has established industry leadership in the design and manufacture of its products. When properly selected, this Flowserve product is designed to perform its intended function
safely during its useful life. However, the purchaser or user of Flowserve products should be aware that Flowserve products might be used in numerous applications under a wide variety of industrial
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assume the ultimate responsibility for the proper sizing and selection, installation, operation, and maintenance of Flowserve products. The purchaser/user should read and understand the Installation
Operation Maintenance (IOM) instructions included with the product, and train its employees and contractors in the safe use of Flowserve products in connection with the specific application.
While the information and specifications contained in this literature are believed to be accurate, they are supplied for informative purposes only and should not be considered certified or as a guarantee of
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1978 Foreman Drive
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© 2003 Flowserve Corporation, Irving, Texas, USA. Flowserve and Worcester Controls are registered trademarks of Flowserve Corporation.
WCAIM2021 10/03 Printed in USA
11. At the scanner module screen select “input” and the display will
show the default mapped location of the 11 bytes of slave (01)
ACCESS actuator output (produced) data.
Output data from slaves is input data to the scanner. The default
mapped address of 11 bytes of input data starts at I:4.1 through
I:4.6(1st byte). Note the “4” represents the scanner slot number.
12. At the scanner module screen select “output” and the display will
show the default mapped location of the 1 byte of slave (01)
ACCESS actuator input (consumed) data.
Input data to the slaves is output data from the scanner. The
default mapped address of 1 byte of output data starts at word
O:4.1 (1st byte).
The input/output data can be remapped at these screens which is
beyond the scope of this example. It is important to note that
whenever any slaves are added or removed or remapping has been
performed, the “apply” button must be activated with the processor
in the program mode to download the changes to the scanner.
13. A flashing communication LED-D2 indicates that the slave
address connected to the network does not agree with the
network that the scanner had previously mapped or there is an
address conflict.
A slave on the network already has been assigned this address.
To correct this problem, assign and set switches 1 and 2 to an
unused address for this node and cycle the 24 VDC bus power.
Perform a new network browse and go online and upload the
network to the scanner. Select the correct slot and in the
“scanlist” delete the slave(s) that have been removed from the
network and add the new slave(s) to the network. With the PLC in
the program mode, select “Apply” and download the new data to
the scanner. When this is complete, LED-1 and LED-2 should be
on steady green.
14. In this example, with the scanner located in slot 4 the addresses
of I/O data in the SLC are as follows:
I:4.0- (word-O-not used)
I:4.1/0- Bit 0- Actuator Closed -CW- Switch
I:4.1/1- Bit 1- Actuator Open-CCW- Switch
I:4.1/2- Bit 2- Not used
I:4.1/3- Bit 3- Actuator Solenoid Continuity (Coil 1)
I:4.1/4- Bit 4- Actuator (Coil 2) Continuity - Not used
I:4.1/Bits 5-7- Not used
I:4.1/Bit-8 to I:4.3/Bit-7- Maintenance Counter- Binary Format
I:4.3/Bit-8 to I:4.5/Bit-7- Cumulative Counter- Binary Format
I:4.5/Bit-8 to Bit-15- OPEN -CCW- Cycle Timer-in seconds-
Binary Format
I:4.6/Bit-0 to Bit-7- CLOSE -CW- Cycle Timer-in seconds- Binary
O:4.0/0- WORD-0/Bit-0 - Establishes the operating mode of the
Bit-0 =1- Scanner maps I/O from the slaves. This Bit has to be on for
the outputs to be under SLC program control.
Bit-0 =0- Scanner stops mapping output data to the slaves. Input data
is still returned from the slaves. Outputs on the network are not under
SLC program control.
O:4.1/0 - Bits -01,2,3,4- Not Used
O:4.1/5 - Bit 5- Solenoid-1 Actuator goes CCW when =1 and
goes CW when =0.
O:4.1/6 - Bit 6- Coil-2 Not Used
O:4.1/7 - Bit 7- Resets Maintenance counter when =1 (This SLC
logic should be a momentary input i.e., a one-shot.