Electrical requirements, Worcester actuation systems – Flowserve F75 Series Fail-Safe Module User Manual

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Series F75 Fail-Safe Module


7.3 Troubleshooting





Unit has switched to the fail-safe mode. No

Operate panel “Reset” switch.

The unit should reset to AC line

other evidence of AC power failure.

operation as indicated by panel lamps
lighting. If not, proceed to 2.


Unit has switched to fail-safe mode. No

Check terminals 9, 10 for

If power supply will be 90 V or less,

other evidence of AC power failure.

normal line power.

check AC power circuit. If normal, AC
to DC power supply is defective.


Red alert light stays on. Actuator operates

Terminals 6, 7 with battery

27.6 VDC (-2%, +5%) should be

normally on AC line power.

leads disconnected.

found on terminals. Low or zero volts
indicate defective charge circuit.


Yellow light (high charge rate light) stays on

Terminals 6, 7 for voltage

If readings agree with manual or can

after extended charge period.

readings as shown in paragraph 5.

be adjusted to agree and conditions
persist, replace batteries.


Actuator inoperative. Panel lamps indicating

Check continuity and operation

If external circuit is operating properly,

normal line power available.

of external control circuit wired

proceed to 6.

to terminals 4 and 5.


Actuator inoperative. Panel lamps indicating

With external control circuit in the

Voltage on terminals 2, 3 should be

normal line power available.

off state (open circuit) check

24 VDC (negative on 3, positive on 2).

voltage on terminals 2 and 3.

If correct, go to 7.


Actuator inoperative. Panel lamps indicating

With external control circuit in the

Voltage on terminals should be 24 VDC

normal line power available.

on state (closed circuit) check

(negative on 2, positive on 1). If voltage

voltage on terminals 1 and 2.

correct on all terminals 1, 2, 3, check
actuator wiring and actuator. If
incorrect, unit relay switching circuit is
defective. Module should be replaced
or repaired by factory.

Flow Control Division

Worcester Actuation Systems


Normal power supply:

120 VAC, 60 Hz, single-phase
240 VAC, 50 Hz, single-phase

Alternative power supply:

Large external lead-acid batteries as
non-interruptible 24 VDC supply

Coupled to:

Size 20 Series F75 Module with 10 to
23 Series 75 actuator

Any other motor-powered reversing device that uses 24 VDC may be
run by the Series F75 module.

Maximum amperage rating:

Size 20 Series F75 Module, 4.0 amps