Flowserve 94 Series User Manual
I. installation

Worcester Controls
"–2" Series 94 and FZ94 Three-Piece Ball Valves,
"–6" Series 94 and FZ94 150/300,
1"–2" Series 94 600, and 4"–6" Series AF94 150/300
Flanged One-Piece Ball Valves
Installation, Operation and Maintenance Instructions
CAUTION: Flowserve recommends that all product which must be
stored prior to installation be stored indoors, in an environment
suitable for human occupancy. Do not store product in areas where
exposure to relative humidity above 85%, acid or alkali fumes,
radiation above normal background, ultraviolet light, or
temperatures above 120°F or below 40°F may occur. Do not store
within 50 feet of any source of ozone.
A. Standard 94 Series three-piece and flanged one-piece valves may
be installed for flow or vacuum in either direction. Use care to
exclude pipe sealants from the valve cavity. Valves with upstream
relief hole in ball (V3 option) are one-way valves.
B. When installing 94, AF94 or FZ94 flanged one-piece valves, use
standard gaskets suitable for the specific service. Tighten flange
bolts or studs evenly. Follow ANSI standards for flange bolt
C. For Weld End Valves (SW, BW):
SURFACES to prevent contamination.
Valves with “PG”, “RG”, “XG”, “AG” and “GG” seat/body seal
combinations and V67 option code are compatible with welding
temperatures. Therefore, these valves are weld-as-is and do not
have to be disassembled to be welded in line. A red welding tag
will be attached to the valve. If these valves are disassembled, the
graphite-coated stainless steel gasket body seals (code “G”) and
the seat back seals (used with “A” or “G” seats only) must be
replaced. When welding these valves, the ball must be open to
prevent adhesion of weld spatter to the ball. Use STICK or MIG
welding and allow valve and joint to cool to the touch between
For All Other Weld End Valves:
1. Tack weld the valve in place.
2. Remove three body bolts, loosen the fourth and swing out the
body with valve open. Close the valve and remove the seats,
ball and body seals.
NOTE: FZ94 valves can not be swung out. Remove fourth bolt
and spread pipe ends to clear centering ring (Revision R3
FZ94 valves with “G” seats, and all Revision R4 and later
FZ94 valves do not have centering rings). Close valve, remove
ball, seats, body seals.
3. Swing body in and secure it with one additional body bolt
diagonally from first.
4. Weld pipe ends. When gas welding, DO NOT play flame on
the valve body.
5. Allow valve to cool. Reassemble valve. Install new body seals,
or coated stainless steel “S” gaskets (code M or G), if they
were shipped separately from the valve, discarding the
temporary Buna body seals found in the valve as received.
See I.D.3.