1storage and preservation, 2 valve markings – Flowserve F519 Flanged ANSI User Manual
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All valves are despatched in the open position and it is recommended that they are left in this position
during storage. All protective packaging should remain in position until the valve is to be installed.
Valves should be stored in a clean, dry environment.
Carbon steel valves are manganese phosphated and coated with a de-watering oil. This coating is
non-toxic and is quite safe on edible or potable products.
Each valve has the following identification information plate attached to the side of the body:
Pressure Equipment Directive: If the identity plate carries the Pressure Equipment Directive number
'97/23/EC' and the Notified Body identity number '0086' beside the 'CE' mark, the product complies
with the Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC and the Pressure Equipment Regulations 1999
(SI 1999/2001). Without these numbers, the product is classified as 'SEP' (Sound Engineering
Practice) and may only be used within the limitations defined in tables 6, 7, 8 & 9 of Schedule 3 of the
Pressure Equipment Regulations.
ATEX Directive: If the identity plate carries the ATEX Directive number '94/9/EC' followed by the
Explosion Protection Symbol and codes identifying the equipment group and category, the zone
suitability and protection type beside the CE mark, the product complies with the ATEX Directive and
The Equipment and Protective Systems for Use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres
Regulations 1996.
Definition of identity plate marking above:
'II' = Equipment Group; '2' = Equipment Category; 'G' = Gas Zone suitability (Zones 1 & 2);
'D' = Dust Zone suitability (Zones 21 & 22); 'c' = type of protection i.e. constructional safety
(BS EN 13463-5).
'X' = Special temperature reference (Surface Temperature: As per BS EN 13463-1:2001
paragraph 14.2g, the temperature class or maximum surface temperature cannot be marked on the
product as it is dependant on the operating conditions. However, the maximum/minimum allowable
operating temperatures for the product are marked on the identification plate.
Should the valve soft trim materials be changed during the course of its operational life it is necessary
for this change to be reflected on the identification plate i.e. material change may impact pressure
and temperature limitations.
Refer to Flowserve Flow Control (UK) Ltd. Technical Sales for details.
Material traceability markings are hard marked on the valve body.